Why must you always be so antagonistic, (and in the case of Steve
Muller, insulting)? I don't remember playing with or against Steve
before, but such comments only serve to upset and annoy.
I don't personally take much stock in this particular 'Top 100' list,
but in spite of the NAME chosen for the subject line, there were plenty
of qualifiers put in the message stating that it wasn't meant to be a
definitive list, but rather just a comparison of numbers. And it did
raise the level of discussion on the board somewhat.
And as for the PRS in general, we've all heard the arguments for and
against (ad-nauseam).
Chill out, man! It's just a game.
Mike Mulka
From: Darrell Shimel
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 11:29 AM
To: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] The Best Ever Middle Earth Play By Mail Top
-----Original Message-----
Players!What I have done here is taken the Player Rating
System scoresIt still bogles my mind that ANYONE could use PRS and
"best players" in the same thought.PRS measures how much you play. The people in the most
games score the highest. Proof is that Clint, who
plays for free, is overall #1.Steve Muller above Kevin Given.... What a hoot! Any
measure that doesn't put Kevin in the top 5 all time
wasn't worth the time it took to put it together, even
if it only took 10 seconds of effort.I've been playing 10 years, and Kevin is head and
shoulders above anyone else I've ever played for or
against. Yet he's lists 80-something? I can't
beleive I've wasted this much time responding to this...