Next Fourth Age game

Greetings Fourth Age Lovers! Looks like the latest setup is taking forever. Clint confirms 10 open slots left. A bud and I are looking to join and could bring that down to 8. Is there any interest to get this started sooner rather than later?

How many out there would be interested in a scenario where each player controls two nations? Double the cost but faster the start and the more assets at your disposal.

I would be interest in a game with all neutrals. 2 nations each. Limited agent ability. Anyone care to join me? We could possibly break it into 2 or 3 preset teams.

Feel free to respond here or drop me an email at to discuss.


:o Hey there, Lets get this game going. :stuck_out_tongue:
Who else is joining? :confused:

I’m in. Waiting patiently. I’ll be playing The Wolves of Langren.

Where I’ll be on the map obviously remains to be seen.


Im in. Patiently waiting. I will be playing The Nightmare Pirates.
See you around…