NYG fan apology

That was a sorry game, or match, LOL I’m pretty sure there was a steaker on the field, or “pitch”, but they didn’t let us see it over here, too many would be offended, look how crazy they got when Janet Jackson had the “wardrobe malfunction” can anyone send a pic or clip, of the streaker to me at pmoren0407@msn.com

Thanx, and sorry for the poor performance, :frowning: , usually is a better game then that


Seen and played in plenty of games and that wasn’t a classic !
Weather and ground conditions didn’t help.

Hey Paul, Eli may be no Peyton but it was fun to be there.( Man those cheerleaders sure have cute behinds.) The 4 hour drive home wasn`t…

No Trent Green, no Ronnie Brown, No Chambers and you can only put 3 pts on the worst team in the league :smiley:

Bring on the `Boys :cool:

Went to see the NYG at Atlanta, it’s like you can pick them lil girls up with just one and and…, :slight_smile:

Cowgirls will be choking soon enough, LOL