One Week Game 36

Glad you’re enjoying yourself Tine… You know this won’t last, eh? :smiley:

Missing you in our team :(. But I do enjoy myself; and I fear the game might be a little busy for your emmies if you have to hand off so many pop centers. But then you wouldn’t need many commanders as you wouldn’t have recruitment base anyway, so there’s balance …:wink: How come you’re not Rhudaur???

No idea - I guess the crazy man you ended up with asked for it…?? I’ve never asked for Rhudaur, they just stick me with it half the time - maybe Clint told Rob “Don’t give Brad Rhudaur…don’t do that to him or the rest of them…”

So how’s it going Phriepies…? Getting tired of trying and noooooot quite getting there? I see some of your efforts are petering out a bit. What are you doing Tine, defending the Northmen from the Dragon Lord…? Isn’t that ridiculous~! Alas, you’ll notice Khamul has some help up there…tsk, tsk… I’ve been in a panic awaiting a landing - are you guys going to come and attack all the PC’s I’ve given away or what…? :stuck_out_tongue: