Good luck and have fun!
Long Rider:
Finally back on!
Playing the Quiet Avenger this time contact me at:
mikehornung -at-
Good luck all,
Back from the loud and lovely victory parade. I am playing Mr. Ren this time around…I can be reached at
Wow, what a lot of old friends, on both sides! I am the mighty Easterthings. To the free, I say, “Bring me the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West”, the to Dark I say, “There is no Dana, only Zul!”.
Easterings…your old compuserve email no longer works. Can you update this?
Findulias III is in a bit of a huff. One of our councellors suggested that as the ranking female wizard in the West she should pay you a visit and thus win your loyalty. The councellor is missing: have you seen him? Servants claim to hear ribbit strange noises croak from his quarters.
Hi, I am playing with the Northmen.
Jeremy, please, give us a contact, or contact me.
Ah, and please, turn to the free people.
Greetings from Dun,
Be quick and clear in your diplomatie, we, people of Dun, become easily angry when speech is too long …
May your swords always sharped
Enion, for Dun
and can be joined at
Hiya all,
haven’t posted before. I’m playing the Eothraim this time round. As usual, I enjoy contact with everybody, and can be reached under bettinajwagner at . At this point, I want to most cordially greet the IK. I trust there will be some kind of hospitality?
Cheers, Tine
So FP’s how’ed you mess up such a good thing at the FK capital? tsk tsk wont get many shots like that, its got to hurt…
And does the IK cap hurt? :rolleyes:
I didnt feel a thing…
Gisulf felt it…Finduillas is feeling it…Gain likes to watch…thanks for the shinies.
Nice opening moves Tine. Definitely kept me guessing (wrong).
I think this game is shaping up to be very interesting.
Not any more…:eek:
I’m glad I’ve kept you entertained ;). As it happens I’m playing the Eos for the ist time after all these years. And my trial and error worked out just fine for me :D.
PS. May I just recommend FTF to everybody? All the good influence of Clint and co is paying of - and I who am MUCH more confident in character game am now moving armies RELATIVELY effectively. I think even Clint might approve