Order 412 in Joverseer - multiple id's

For order #412, I am not able to get more than one artifact id into Joverseer. For example, tried to put in 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 for my 60 something mage. Saved the order and it only shows 40. Tried 40 41 42 43 44 45 and had the same result. Has anyone been successful with this? Any help is appreciated.

There is an update somewhere here on the forum that you can do. It will patch your JO and give you the multiple boxes.

The update to JO that I am running still shows yellow boxes for all the numbers after the first one, but when you export, all the numbers are in the export file.

Yes it works fine with the yellow boxes just will throw up an error.

I think the problem is that I can’t find the download link for the version of Joverseer that can do this. The one on the website is version 1.16.0 (which won’t allow me to input more than one id). A player who told me he can actually input more than one id said he is using 1.16.2. Where do I download that version?


So when you’ve downloaded JO then you can run the updater and it will get 1.16.2

preferences (the cog button on the RHS) > Updates > and select “check for new Updates on Startup”.

You can get to it via Tools > Preferences as well. Try that and get back to me (we’re bringing out a new version shortly with the Update option as a button).


I already have the version at that link installed (1.16.0) and I do have it configured to check for new updates on startup. It has updated a few times (*) and yet I am still on version 1.16.0. I’m not sure why the updates are not “sticking”. Perhaps when the new version comes out with the Update button I’ll be able to force it.

  • I use Onedrive to transfer my entire Middle Earth directory including all games, apps, etc. between my home and work laptops and it seems that I get prompted for the update most of the time when I transfer machines.

I’ll look for the post that the new version is available and in the meantime, I’ll just manually edit the orders file with the extra artifact id’s.

