In lieu of the recent thread regarding publishing the code, and the discussion re: who knows what, comparing the relative level of knowledge within the community between Newbies and seasoned vets, etc:
I’ve editted and somewhat updated the Order Companion document I wrote eons ago and sent out to end up being published in Bree as a series of articles in issues 15-18 inc. Bascially deals with many of the mechanical issues surrounding how the game works, etc. Currently a 13 page MSWord document, will polish up a bit more and create a pdf out of it within days.
I’m looking for some critical input, and maybe even some corrections or new information - I’m modest enough to know my limits and admit when I’m mistaken. Anyone who is interested please send an email request to:
Would be a great resource for all players. Getting everyone to agree on what is the “correct” idea about an issue could be interesting. (ie Overruns) Soooo many different accounts.
Not looking for “exactness” anywhere, really. Some would like it (see the publish the code thread…) but the code is NOT going to get published. I see my effort as the next best thing - IF - we get participation. I’ve responded to 12 requests from here or mepbmlist. I hope all who receive it reply with comments/corrections/updates/additions, etc.
Were you interested in a copy yourself Andrew? You can share it with Team Aussie and they can chortle at how much of an amateur I am and they can’t wait to kick my…
Exactness (or publishing the CODE) was never QUITE the issue on the other thread–we wanted more precision in the order and rules descriptions and formulae by which to estimate success (even if not THE formula). Exactness in the present game system was used as a counter argument against objections to this idea–but it went over the heads of most. What I hoped for was the kind of thing that Brad here is publishing–only I wanted it from the official source. Like I said, it APPEARS that most players really want this info, they just don’t want it from a reliable source, and this thread confirms that–otherwise everyone would be yelling bloody murder that Brad is going to ruin the game.
I don’t know if I can be of any help as I don’t have any formular, just some rules of thumb.
So if you think I can help out then I would like a copy to.
My comment was NOT aimed at Brad. He deserves repect for this and his many other contributions. His original Order Companion is excellent.
My comment was meant to highlight a remarkable inconsistency that you just underscored: if you want reliable info about the inner workings of the game, why not ask for it from the most reliable source available? (And if we go that far why not include the info in the rule book thus reducing the # of documents floating around.)
I just now sent out the updated version of the document to everyone who sent me an email. If I missed you somehow, please mail me and I’ll reply with the attachment. Please forward on comments/criticism/additions.
This order companion is GREAT. I’ve been working through it, making small notes, which I hope to get back to Brad soon. Freakin’ nutso busy right now though.
Brad Brunet is my HERO! wow! I am stunned at the work Brad has put into this doc. It will be a great player aid and really helps address a lot of what people were questioning in the thread about exposing the algorithms. The remaining thing for us to do as a player community is compile updated data on encounters, dragons, & riddles.
I believe I’ve sent out 20 to now. Will add an Acknowledgement section in subsequent editions! Get your name published! Seriously, I’ve had a couple guys send some editting, some info, etc, already - looking for more!
After a period of time I’m going to finalize the document (will likely be significantly different than what I’ve sent out) and then resend to all who’ve contributed - so get those comments/criticism/additions in!