Palantir problem

Not sure if you are aware of it or not but hex 0302 is a water hex, palantir has it as a shore hex. Cant say I was happy to screw up movement in a game but then we all learn from our mistakes.

Yes. this is a known bug and yes, it snagged me in the past.

Are there any plans to upgrade the existing Palantir version?
Apart from the fault above, I also noticed that sometimes army icons drop off the map, especially when two armies oppose eachother on a PC you don’t own, and there is no way to manually add it.


There is no support for Palantir. A new program is being developed, no current idea on release date.

We hope to upgrade Palantir so that it can read the new XMLs when they come out. We’re working on a different mapping program that combines the mapping (and other stuff) of Palantir and Automagic with Order checker thrown in to boot.

Clint (GM)

Are you talking about Joverseer Clint?

There’s 2 at present, one is Joverseer. It’s working well at present.

Clint (GM)

So what’s the other one? Java is cross-platform…??

Ahh ok, what’s the other one then?

Marios sent me the files for Joverseer but my computer is too damn slow to run it properly. I’ll give it another go when I get a new computer (21 days and counting)!

The other one is Robert Saponas’ one but we’re looking at the JO first as we’ve got limited resources.

Both work on all machines (hopefully).

Clint (GM)