PC reports


Does anyone have an idea when a PC reports a character? Is it dependent on loyatly? Other factors?

Is it true the highest ranking character of a nation always get reported?


Hi Alain

Pc size and loyality is the key. Autoscouts in a high loyality camps is much more likely than in a city with low loyality, or

PC size and loyality go hand in hand, the same chance for autoscout in a camp (L=30) as in a MT (L=75).

At least its my working hypothesis.


has anyone else noticed this phenomena:

that any character with comm skill is much more likely to show up on these type reports than characters without comm skill?


  • a C10A40S20 is likely to show up, whereas a A40S20 is highly unlikely to show up

  • a C10E60 is likely to show up, whereas a E60 is not

I haven’t correlated whether mage skill also increases the chances, but comm skill certainly seems to.

Do folks agree?

(and yes, I see Greed on the pop center report in 2734 in game 2 - does he have comm skill? I bet he does. Else he’d never show up on the pop center report)


Smaller the pop, the easier they stand out. Higher the loyalty, the greater the likelihood citizens will feel compelled to report suspicious characters to the local authorities. Now, is it based on Total Skill, Total Natural Skill, Highest Skill only, or Challenge rank? Do specific skill types have extra modifiers? Might army commanders be better known away from home such that the populace of a foreign nation can identify/report them, as opposed to say, agents? Eh, there’s likely a few opinions out there…

Alain: More than two years ago there was a detailed discussion on this forum on this subject. See Illuvatar’s thread titled ‘Character Reaports’.

Yes, I tend to think this is the case also, though logic tells me it is something like combined ranks. So combining the two I think it has to do with a calculation similar to challenge ranks - where agent and emmy skills count for less than comm and mage. PC loyalty an influence also, but not sure about the size part. I only say that because I’ve seen all types of characters show at all types of pops, but without consistency as to size vs. skill (lack of information). Doesn’t mean its not the case, just that I’m not sure on my theories.

Ed - thanks for the pointer! You have a great memory, or a fantastic filing system, or both! On reading that thread, it seems to me that the most germaine post is this one by Arthedain73 on 12/9/03:

I would be very interested to know (now or at game end) whether Greed (game 2) has comm skill. My personal belief (not represented in Arthedain73’s list above) is that comm skill makes it much easier to spot someone.

Dave you’ll just have to wait and see…bet your agents there dont have command skill yet I see them just fine :slight_smile:


em, er… i mean <sigh of sadness and feeling of impending doom>

Big emmys show in pop centers at least in FA.

My experience from lots of 1 week games under GSI lead me to be believe that is total ranks over a certain level but that is only my opinion. Stealth does help conceal even big characters though I think they show at least 3/4 of the time in normal loyalty pop centers.

I don’t think challenge rank has anything to do with it due to lots of emmys showing up in many FA games

i agree with the skill rank concept having an influence, though it may be different levels for different ‘professions’.

certainly all sorts show up on high loyalty camps, but i have had really big dudes at my capital(city at time) on about 90ish loyalty seen by scout not seen at all on the pop report.

i wonder if relations also effect the result???:confused:


From what I’ve seen a characters Challenge rank seems to be the key skill of note. I’ve seen 10c/10a/10e go from not seen one turn in a camp to seen the following when passed 60 points of command artifacts.

John L.