Polite reminder

If you want your turn then we offer the Mailer service. You can go there directly to download your turn and avoid having your turn reprinted. This saves you money and us hassle… :stuck_out_tongue:

Email is not 100% reliable, especially when sending attachments - some servers just don’t like it, and some just seem to randomly throw a dice and decide that this week “pink” is their least favourite colour so they block that.:bash: This Mailer service avoids all of those problems… :eek: but it does need you, the player, to use it… :cool::rolleyes:

If you want details on how to use it get in touch.

Clint (GM)

The turn server is pretty awesome in my opinion.

I use it to not only to get all my game turns, but to also submit all my game turns.

I also check it the night before turns run to make sure I have a delivery receipt for my submitted turn.


…And… some of us can’t access it from certain computers/networks.

It’s a website. Surely you can get to it from home. I can see that some work environments might restrict access as they’re getting more and more restrictive… But when you’re at work, you’re working… right? <wink>


Yeah, working, right… :rolleyes: Count your emails over the years by Day of the Week for this game and you’ll quickly conclude this is useful, but not da Bomb… :wink:

Well, you can use it to submit turns in a way that you are positive they are received. that’s what’s good about it. Email is not 100% reliable. The web server is. If you want the “ACK”, then take your .xml orders files home and submit them there. Or get your IT department to give you the tunnel to the ME Games webserver (maybe a bottle of icewine will convince them to be nice?)

Icewine…nice one… :slight_smile: