Come on guys/girls
Please sign up, I am dying to play.
We only lack 4 nations.
Come on guys/girls
Please sign up, I am dying to play.
We only lack 4 nations.
Already signed up and rairing to go. Even better than a 1 week turn around game!! Like the man says, sign up the remaining 4 spots and lets get this show on the road.
Regards Herman
Cloud Lord for Aussie Grudge Game82
Arthedain Game 92
Only need three more players now…
Dumb question since we already went over it on the list, but what are the rules? I just had 2 games end and my pick this up.
This is from Clint’s sticky:
POWER Game: Costs are £1.50/$3.00/AU$4.50 + 25p/50c/75auC per day - and maximum length of turnaround is 1wk. W/ends don’t count (we don’t work then) and turns are to be sent in using AM or MEOW if you want this discounted rate otherwise normal cost. We’ll charge for turns in advance to save us a lot of admin (blocks of 4) and refund any extra to your account afterwards.
Works out to be around $10 per week I’d guess (3-4 days turnaround I’d estimate) for two turns compared with $7.60 for normal turns. W/ends don’t count towards the turnaround.
As far as I know, it’s normal 1650 apart from the faster turnaround time.
Interesting, means you need serious teamwork, and fast.
Correct - 1650 but faster I’d estimate a turn every 5 days but as we’ve never run one it’s a guess at present. We now need 2 players (small chance we need 3 but it’s not likely).
Only 2 more to go! How much set up time are we going to get?
I’m in (took it from 3 to 2)
I don`t have email at work…also the time zone difference for UK/US and Aussie players could make it interesting on the diplomatic front. How many updated turns can be sent or will the GMs use the first one you send I wonder?
Talk early and reply soon
“How many updated turns can be sent or will the GMs use the first one you send I wonder?”
We’ll use the latest version. But you might not get that to us if all the turns are in in time of course. Ie you send in an early version and then send in a later version some time afterwards. If the later version gets to us before all the turns are in we’d use that - if afterwards then you’re out of luck.
Oooh that could be interesting… what happens if everyone gets an early turn in…
ahh… enough talk. It is an experimental model. Lets try it out, find the problems and fix them.
Only 1 more to go… If you sign up today I will promise not to assassinate any of your characters the first turns… perhaps.
The wanabee CL
Oooh that could be interesting… what happens if everyone gets an early turn in…
Thought that was clear - we just run the game then. Michael fancy signing up?
go! go! go! I have that “new game coming” itch
Now full - game will come out tomorrow.