Perhaps it will be allowable to wonder what efficiencies The Company is undertaking to delay the next price increase?
No problem also for me…
My only concern is the big difference in price between UK/Europe and the US…
I think that the cost of life in Italy is even cheaper than in the US, but we’re bound to pay the price in pounds…
It makes 6,49 euros per turn… if I were american I’d pay 5,92 euros…
What can stop me from giving you a new e-mail address, telling you I’m a “Robert Goldwing” guy (just the translation of my name and surname in English) and that I live in the US to get a 8,8% discount (the difference between the price in pounds and in dollars)???
Since the service is exactly the same, wouldn’t a price of 4,30£ or 8,30$ be more fair???
My Guess is - an Clint can chip in on this one - is that it is down to exchahnge rate variances. You can set a price on day one and in a month’s time this may seem more expensive / cheaper as the rates fluctuate. They will always get clobbered on this one way or another. The only thing I am in slight agreement is that when the set the rates Clint and the boys should make it fair each year.
Well Ameow for US is currently at $7.90 and would be if set at if $8.42 if it was at U.K prices.
A bit much for currency fluctuations… don’t you think? Also Clint did say that is was because US players are used to cheaper lifestyles…
One of the things that gets me worked up is Brits paying through the nose for everything (not just in ME). We just don’t complain enough…
I agree with Gavin here, the difference is due to the exchange rate.
Based on GBP (£) the exchange rate to USD ($) is 1.755, while the current mid range rate is £1 : $1.88.
While some may see this as wrong it can be pointed out that last year (2004) the exchange rate flutuated as much as $0.25.
I can also see another point here but thats to do with taxes so I won’t go into it.
So screw the yanks, eh? How about “reduce the UK prices to be morein line with the US ones” as opposed it “raise US prices so the Brits can feel better!”
Of course, that $6.50 included manual entry of all turns with no helper programs, envelopes, postage for 12+ pages of turn reports and order sheets, and the other costs related to running a paper game, such as printer ink. One would assume that for most players much of those administrative costs no longer exist due to email.
All the companies that ran the game then have since folded. That’s the point of PBM it’s a hobby industry and we don’t earn a lot from it. Although cheaper to run nowadays it’s still labour intensive even with all the “automated” (it’s not automated just speeds it up we still have a lot of work to do to run a game) bits. We’ve also had to create all this stuff - that’s taken time (=money effectively).
If the turns had followed inflation then Stu reckons the turns would now cost something like $9.40+ (note GSI had lots of additional charges - if you got your turn in on the day of process you got charged for that etc).
and to address the above comment about GMs having to live and eat… I don’t think we’ll be putting Clint and the rest on the street.
Most PBM firms in the last 5 years have folded. Reason being it’s very hard to make any money in PBM. That’s why we’ve had to increase the costs in line pretty much with inflation. If we don’t then we steadily lose money. We also want to continue to give good service and bring the game further into the 21st century - that’s taking time, money but you should see the benefit.
On the topic of differences between countries and how much people spend. US players are used to spending (ie will not spend more) less on goods than pretty much the rest of the world. (I had a conversation with a Brit living in Canada and she was explaining how lots of Canadians take a holiday to shop in the States as prices there are much cheaper).
Europeans are much more used to expensive goods it’s just the way of the world. Our house rules for the UK franchise was 3 pages long, with DGE we had to increase it 20 pages… Basically things are different in different parts of the world and customers pay and expect different things. I can buy the same computer in the States for less than I can pretty much anywhere else in the world, petrol costs in the states are a lot less for example etc.
Note the Gunboat format sees a (roughly) 10% decrease in turn cost it’s not all bad news and where it is I hope you can appreciate why we’ve done it. I don’t think it’s a big increase for most players seeing a 2-4% increase in turn cost is not a lot for their enjoyment and I appreciate that for some it means that you’ll play less games and consequently have less enjoyment.
Right, virtually everything is cheaper in the States than in Europe. This is because taxes are relatively low and the economy is relatively unregulated. Clint & Company are wise to want to attract as many dollars as possible. Think of it as a form of currency speculation. The money fluctuation cycle is starting to turn and dollars will appreciate, perhaps, 20% in a year.
I have no complaint abut the price rise, after all it’s in line with inflation and I agree that Clint etc have got to make a living. I also go back to the GAD days and overall it’s all still value for money.
I do however think that because of the chess like nature of some games this is what has produced a feeling of unrest, after all why pay more for executing the same orders for each Nation in each game, the answer being of course, don’t do it !
In general a price rise is OK but it’s up to players to ensure that they get their own value for money out of the game.
However don’t get me started on the whole grudge game start up price issue !!
This is way off-topic for this thread, and I hope you’re right Ed. But I am concerned that it will go exactly the opposite.
The US trade deficit is HUMONGOUS. At some point, foreign investors will decide they should stop pouring money into the US to finance this deficit. When they stop, the dollar will crash. Expect the dollar to be worth MUCH less vs. world currencies at some point in the not too distant future. maybe it’s within year. maybe it’s within 5 years. but it’s sure to be within the next decade. When this happens, the world will really have some rather large economic hiccups to deal with. MEPBM will have a big issue for Clint & company as there are a lot of US players.
All that said, we can cross this bridge when we come to it, and maybe my fears won’t happen and Ed’s thesis will be correct. Time will tell.
Regarding the prices - MMORPG subscription fees have risen far faster in the past four years than MEPBM fees have risen. There has been a 50% increase over that time period. They will continue to do so. Additionally, the online gaming world is going to morph to extract more cash from players in additional ways (beyond subscription fees). You watch. You’ll start to see cool “items” available to characters who are willing to spend real money to obtain them. Yes. we live in a capitalistic world and if people show they’re willing to pay for things, they will get charged for them. Look at the online gaming worlds in Asia for a “taste of things to come”. There are huge virtual economies where people spend real cash to “buy-in” to get virtual items, gifts, messages, etc. etc.
I think Clint is doing a good job of what business school calls the “reservation pricing model”. This is pricing “at market”. I find myself pondering the price/value relationship and concluding it’s marginally worth continuing to play. This means that Clint is charging me about as much as he can without pushing me over the edge. Given the excellent service and committment to moving the game platform forward, I think he’s balancing things well. However, the problem is when things are close to the edge, sometimes people get pushed over the edge (such as Floyd Grubb - a player this community just lost because of the price increase). A consequence of this pricing model is that people will likely quit games sooner (rather than later) if their enjoyment in a particular game decreases or they think they’re losing.
Anyway, I’m challenging Ernie for long-winded write-ups here, so I’ll stop. All in all, I like MEPBM and think a 4% increase is ok. I appreciate the price break on GB and may switch to a more GB centric game mix as a result.
I wouldn’t be too sold on a major dollar selloff from here. Against the Euro its lost 50% of its value since May 2001 and 20% since the summer of 2003. US has large trade and current account deficits, but it is funded by the rest of the world (particularly Asian central banks and Japanese savers who can only earn 0.5% doemstically) as they continue to invest in America. Investment opportunities in Europe are not very attractive, UK at least is a dynamic economy, but Asian and EMG markets are unregulated and risky. so the global saver is going to go into the US, a steady 4% grower with little inflation. No offense to the Europeans here, but growth is fairly stagnant in Germany and France and the ECB is probably going to raise rates this summer. Not the most attractive combination.
Sorry about that, I could go on forever (it is my business). But I wouldn’t be overly convinced on a further dollar rout. Anything can happen, but …
Don’t want to get in the way of all this fancy financial talk but what I will say is that I’m still very happy with the price rises and in all honesty I don’t believe that price rises of this level are the full reason many would decide to quit. I’m sure that in the majority of such cases there is more to it than that.
I think that when you consider the quality of service, the responsiveness of Clint and co and the efforts they make to develop the game then we’re getting good value.
Long may they eat!
I actually played in game 1 of MEPBM, 15 years ago. Turns were 3 pounds and fifty pence. The prices have increased very little, very much in line with my ability to play the game! Still good value IMO.
Everyone wants to be heard, dang it, I’m no different! Hear me! Hear me! Price Increase! Trade deficit! Market fluctuations! Canadian cross-border shoppers! Argh!!!
.3/7.6 = 3.947% US price increase. Or 113% increase for Canadians who can’t afford to cross the border. Okay then, I’ve been heard. Feel much better. Now, Clint’s gonna lose game 80, the Other Team’s gonna lose game 90, and I’m gonna lose game 68. Okay then. All done.
Feeling better now Brad?
good boy. now take your tablet… <grin>
So, em, isn’t this BBS mostly all about people who “want to be heard?” There are a few people asking questions or answering them. But by and large, it’s people talking or taunting or shouting or arguing or… yep, they (we) like to be heard.
As to game 68, well, your job is to whip the CL so he stops mucking around in the NW helping the Noldo. Now get to it!!! We have far too many dead bodies up here.
One of the things that gets me worked up is Brits paying through the nose for everything (not just in ME). We just don’t complain enough…
My counting of complaints tells me you complain plenty. :eek:
The bottom line is the base of this game is the Ed Mills and other “old School” players that continue to play (and pay) for years. Not the kids that saw the movies, and plays for a couple turns until they find it unlike the fantasy in their head then quit.
Sure the high cost will probably limit the influx of new players but that is a number game the company can afford. They cannot afford to lose the base of long term loyal players. I know cost has been a reason for some of the “old schoolers” to quit already though.
They also reason that if you have been loyal this long, you will remain so.
Sure you can whine and snivel, but only you control where your money goes.
Don’t like the price, don’t play…don’t like the price of gas, don’t drive. It is the same concept. But companies bank on the fact the average consumer does not want to pay the discomfort, for the better pricing.
They understand you will vent :mad: , some may quit , but most will stay.
Until mankind realizes the people have the power if they only exercise it, we will continue to pay higher prices. Simple equation. That is why France still has state controlled energy.
Now think about the UK price complaints. Do you really think such a drastic rise will go over? For now I play, bent over the barrel or not.
But rub my nose in the fact I am bent over, and I exercise my Liberty bought in blood and walk. I am sure this is well understood by powers that be. Little price hikes get by, big ones…
Well they just get you bombed & invaded. Ask Saddam what happens when you try to flaunt that fact. But behave like gentlemen, and business goes on.
Tripe! We already pay too little for most things which is why so much of our food is crap and so many people are poorly paid. With respect to our American friends I don’t want to move closer to their pile them high, sell them cheap, screw the rest of the world philosophy. The richest nation on Earth is the one that can’t “afford” to take action on polution and climate change. Consumer power is often not a good thing when you look at the bigger picture.
brother…I gotta line them up hourly…and the big orange ones are the best…
There was nothing wrong with what I was doing… and the first of the messages was bit of a joke…
secondly I didn’t watch the film and start playing… I used to play when I was a kid when allsorts were about and started playing again recently…
Anyway whats wrong with kids watching the film and playing the game? nothing I tell you…
Well… after a long thought I realized that living in Italy, instead of the US, is already a benefit worth much more than the 0.57 euros difference I pay…
Should Berlusconi resign I will even propose to raise the price, for the italians only, by 1£!
Just kiddin’…
PS: I’ve been playing MEPBM for more than ten years… for those who cares…