We’d like to know how many of you actually print your turns off. With the conversion program we need to look at how to present the new turnsheet to you guys (and how much work to put into a printable version).
Of those that print the turn do any of you print off the Turnsheet bit (ie the bit that as a postal player you’d fill in and send back to us). Rough count that I’m aware of is that around 4 players do this (via faxing mostly). But I wondered if you use the Turnsheet bit at all otherwise? (It’s got the due date on it that’s about all I personally use it for).
I always print out the results but never print out the orders section at the end. I write out my proposed orders and next turn orders in the blank section beneath the character results for each character.
I don’t print my turns now, but when I did, this is exactly what I did with them. Also, two local friends of mine that also play do this. Seems to be pretty popular, as long as the order results don’t take up all the space!
i print the turns 95% of the time (unless i’m on the road with no printer access and it’s turn time…). I never print the order-submission portion at the end.
unlike most folks, i use a spreadsheet to plan my orders as i can deal with both the economic impact and tactical/strategic impact all in one easy-to-read page. i.e. all turn-context in one viewable page.
I have gotten to the point that I rarely print the turn pdf anymore. I haven’t printed the turn part of the file ever. I do want the expanded version of the pdf as it is much easier to read.
I never print the order section but always do the rest. I’m getting older and still think with a pencil in my hand and scrawl notes, put lines and numbers all over the maps. Draft orders cross reference email requests, and when bored put glasses and hats on my Orcs:o
Thanks everyone - I think I’ve got enough feedback now.
FYI we’ll be creating a PDF and a more full XML when the conversion occurs. We’re also looking at updating the look of the turnsheet (there’ll be several options of receipt of turn I think - so you can have basic, delux etc). Hyperlinks that sort of thing.