Process on Demand game & Poll

In case you’ve not been following the discussion on the MEPBM list, please take a moment to consider the following. To assess potential interest, I’ve set up a poll on the list. You can vote at

The idea is for a 1650 game run as a “Process on Demand” game. Turns would be processed 14 days after each previous turn, but sooner if all orders had been received by MEPBM games. That means that if you need time to discuss your plans with allies, you get it, up to the usual 14 day deadline, but if everyone’s happy and has their orders in, the game gets processed and some of the boring waiting gets taken out of the equation. I anticipate that this would increase the fun quotient, particularly in the early turns, when there are fewer characters, orders and options.

The game calendar (the seasons) is apparently something which need not be a problem - it can be moved on by 2 weeks at each process, so there’d be the same number of winter & summer turns as in a usual 2 week game.

Please visit the poll if you’re interested, or if you’re already in “too many” games, to indicate that you could be interested at a later date. Enough of an indication of interest, and we can ask Clint to give it a go.