protecting bridges

I want to protect a bridge against sabotage by an ennemy agent. I understand that the agent can give the order on either side of the river, whether or not there is a PC in the hex. However in order to give order 605 to protect my bridge, I must be in a PC.

  1. Can I guard a bridge in a CP on one side against an agent in an empty hex on the other?
  2. Is there any way to stop an agent who sabotages a bridge from an empty hex?


You can place an agent at the unoccupied end of the bridge who does ScoChar every turn looking for a saboteur to arrive. Then in the turn the saboteur would do his mission you may challenge or assassinate him or if you have an emissary there you may double him. Or you may place a camp at the open end of the bridge and then have your agent GrdLoc until you no longer fear the threat. This last course of action at least lets your agent train in skill.