I’m curious and have asked Clint on the mepbmlist, so I’ll do so again here with a poll: What % of players submit Votes after their games end?
Persons unlikely to vote are unlike to participate in a voluntary poll.
Hmm I think winning side more likely to vote and losers ready to forget the game and least likely to vote for best opposition or even their teamates.
Yes Ed, the poll was skewed from the start, the question was designed to 1) confirm assumptions, and 2) provoke discussion.
Given that, if you look at the numbers of people who always or often vote and compare against the total number of gamers pool, you can infer an approximate percentage.
It’s not going to be the most accurate number, but we’re not trying to cure cancer here
I’ll be the first to admit i’m slack and rarely vote. If i do it’s for the best enemy player. I rarely even look at the PRS stats and because i play grudge games only (currently at least) people rarely get concerned about VP’s except the final result
Grudge Games usually make it difficult to vote for, say “Best Team Player” because, by definition, they should all be “Team Players” being, like, On a Team, as opposed to coincidentally being “aligned”… Best Enemy is intersting, I wonder how many Cloud Lord “players” get that vote…
I agree. Team players usually have team set responsibilities and roles so it’s overall planning rather than individual nation success that counts. Rarely the CL unless he’s running awesome kill numbers. I have voted tongue in cheek for best enemy player ie: i’ll play you any day mate
I have had excellent success PCing top notch DS/FP chars when out of cmpy and training in the early turns. I may vote for the CL at the end of this current game, as I now have Ji’s head on the mantle piece :rolleyes: He nailed celdrahil then camlin nailed him, fair swap as far as i’m concerned.
Yes, you personally have had an interesting day against a particular CL… But beyond voting for Witch Kings or Dragon Lords who don’t lose their Homelands, what else are most Freepies-Sheepies to vote for but the big company of big agents who passed by some time or other and cleared their capital?? “Ooooh! Aaaah! Best enemey! O-Yeah!”…
I’ve had such ‘luck’ multiple times.
I agree completely with your comments ie: geez he made MY life tough, he MUST be good :o
I vote when a player has impressed me throughout the game be it same team
or enemy… A player captial hopping never gets my vote for its an easy
tactic. Now a player who outhinks me tactically time and time again always
gets my vote. A player who opens up my eyes on how to play a nation
on the same team equally deserves my vote. I keep mental notes on player
actions through the game; a present day example is ME32.
Brad is heading for a vote and maybe the NG as enemy but that depends
on his next few moves.
Game 32 is over, perfect perfect time to put in your votes!