Pubmeet Copenhagen

Pubmeet news. We’re going to be in Copenhagen on the 1st April (Saturday). It would be cool to meet up with some players. Anyone interested and able to organise a location? I can bring some Kin Strife stuff and tell you all about our exciting new projects and plans.


Hmmm, how about Athens after Copenhagen? And where’s my CL turn in Game 12!!?? We know you want to beat us but withholding our turns! :stuck_out_tongue:


Could do but we’re not going to Athens.

Game 12 - I don’t do anything with games I’m in I’m afraid. Safest that way.

Clint (GM)

Nooo nooo, you could make it an Athens mini FTF-holiday in the spring with the
beautiful hot weather, lovely beaches, cheap achohol, well I could just go and
on. There are good reasons why I finally left London for Athens :cool: Mix
your spring/early summer holiday with a FTF thrown in.

Good play with 1st turn in 12 but no suprises yet. :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay we’ve got 2 so far… :slight_smile: Anymore? We’ll have a few Legends players turn up as well.


Upto 3 and climbing (plus others!) note the location has changed to Malmo, Bishop’s Arms 2pm Saturday 1st April onwards. Directions available upon request.


Hi Clint

Pubmeet Copenhagen in Malmø - hrm - strange. Guess half of the cph players interested in a pubmeet, will ditch this one in favour of a pleasant and somewhat cheaper arrangement on this side of the Sund.

The FtF is another matter, Im in.


Apologies for any confusion. Originally it was going to be Copenhagen but Malmo became more convenient for many reasons (20 minutes away isn’t it?)

As for the FTF get in touch off-line please. We only need 12 players and we’re 1/3rd the way there already.
