Question about 605/610 orders

For all you MEPBM experts, here’s a puzzler…

An agent in my game issued a “guard location” order while another agent tried to steal an artifact off the guard. The results came back as follows:

 He was ordered to blah blah blah....
{New Paragrah} He was ordered to guard the location.  He guarded xxxx.  He injured xxxx of xxxx and thwarted his theft mission.

Now the theft mission we know was against the CHARACTER who issued the GrdLoc. There was no attempt to steal from the pop center.

Notice that the message about thwarting comes IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH as the guard location order–as though the thwart were a result of guarding the location. But GrdLoc does not prevent attacks on characters. So this doesn’t make sense, unless either the result is NOT a result of the guard order (so why did it appear in the same paragraph?) or…when a character issues a guard order, he also guards himself at the same (something the rule book doesn’t mention). Anyone have any experience with this?


The messages come in sequential order. Thwarting the theft order (685) comes after the guard order (605). The program isn’t necessarily grammatically correct - you’ll find semi-defined paragraphs after a fashion for each Order, all the rest of the possible text messages linked to various possible results generally just insert themselves.

Which leads me to conclude that the 605 had nothing to do with the thwart.


Christian, did the agent increase in skill rank by six or more?

The increase was only from 27 to 30, so it looks like Brad is probably right. Thanks for the speedy responses!