I have a player in an army (call it army 1). The character wants to move to a destination 12 hexes away from the starting location (of himself and army 1) and join a different army (call it army 2).
Army 1 (the one the character starts in) will move away from army 2 with an 850 order. After the movement of army 1 it will end more than 12 hexes from army 2.
From my reading of the rules, I think that the character should be able to move from army 1 to army 2 because the initial distance is 12 or less. Is this correct?
Should I imagine that all movement orders happen simultaneously. So that even though 850 is before 870 they effectively happen at once?
When you say the army ends its movement with 12 hexes of the character’s starting position do you mean the army he started with or the army he is moving to?
870 requires 2 parameters: a Hex and an Army Commander ID. That hex has to be within 12 of the issuers starting point - it is an 810. Your character will ‘810’ to that hex. In the event there is an army of your nation in that hex at the end of that turn’s movement cycle, and that army is commanded by the character you noted in the 2nd parameter field of the 870 order, the character who issued the 870 will get a “free” Join Army. If not, for whatever reason, you are in that hex ala 810 and not in an army.
I believe Brad is correct, but if you’re really motivated to ensure your guy gets into the second army, you could order him to LvArmy at 790 then MovJoin at 870. It’s not 100% certain you are talking about a character traveling with, as opposed to the actual army cmdr, but obviously a character can’t order both 850 and 870; even if their army is defeated in battle, only the first-entered move order will be processed by the program.
Don’t get me wrong - killer agent companies packing double scouts are a fantastic sledge hammer. But a handful of agents scout/following field armies and picking them off has its own awful beauty.
Anyone who has had their 1200 HC under a single Captain at the helm dropped dead in the fields while en-route to the enemy knows the pain.
Combines well with Divine Nation Forces, or even Divine Characters with Forces. I’ve seen field armies scout/followed by multiple agents who were able to assassinate the C/A sub-commander and kidnap the lead commander in the field. Poof!