
Sorry guys I don’t know who you are. :slight_smile: If you get in touch directly then I can send it on for you to check out. I assume the 1st is John Strachan but the 2nd ain’t got a clue about.



I’ll do one as well.

Kev Bond

When will the questionnaire be distrubuted to the general membership?
Ed Mills

I’ve got some other work to sort out but it’s on the agenda. I’ve got to read through the feedback and implement the suggestions (thanks for that some excellent comments).

I’ve got a big workload at present so things might be slow in some of the less urgent aspects.



Just got back the message board johnstrac is John L Strachan, please send the questions.

yep yep if your looking for more feeedback


if the NSA gives me the ok. :wink:

you have a large stock of e-mail-addresses.
I wouldn’t send them with the turn-results, but I would send the to the players.

Maybe some players won’t answer them, but I know many players who’re not using the forum ( and still not knowing much about your idea ).

Have Fun !


Not at my usual pc so I dont have the Questionnaire Clint. Can you send one to my email please. A/c 102534

So howd you do with the info? We get to know or is it strictly hush hush?

Information is now compiled and I’ll look at it soon and see what I can release.


Six weeks have gone by.

Send It to me also

I would be glad to help out with some feedback

Yo, J. S., long time no speak to.

Brad’s poll reminded me that the GM was going to share data with the membership.

I would like a questionaire!

If you are still giving these out, then yes, I’d really appreciate getting one.
