
We’re looking to send out a Questionnaire to all you guys and could really
do with some feedback. If you are interested in seeing it and feeding back
to us before we send it out that would be great. If so get in touch.

In advance - if you want to know what it’s about then ask and I’ll send it on.


Sure, send me the questions.

What’s it about?


i’ll be happy to give you feedback. thanks for asking!

In advance - if you want to know what it’s about then ask and I’ll send it on.

I was expecting that hence see the above… :slight_smile: Brian & Dave I’ll send you the questionnaire so that you can feed back on it. Anyone else?


Hey, two of the players who have been at the game the longest are first to reply.

Who says sprints are for the young?


Make that three. I sent him a private email and nothing yet. So, if public clamor is required I am clamoring. Ed Mills

Perhaps the person that is probably playing the most nations at one time could get the questionaire?

Scott Moyes

Sure, I’d be interested. The suspense is killing me!

Mark Mills:D

I’ll take a questionaire but if it asks me anything about me and my cousin I’m going to refuse to answer a thing …steve caskey

LOL - ok. Steve - do you play anything besides GB? If so, I want into your next game just for the continuous humor factor. you are always saying the funniest stuff. (I mean this as a complement by the way!)

hi dave…I’m in 118 <49th turn likely to last 49 more unless the free see the futility of their plight before then> and game 50 <turn 2…may last at least 2 more> and of course GB14 so I’m pretty tied up right now but when one finishes I’ll be picking up a new game and it would be a pleasure to fight either with or against you in a noisy game…Gb is actually a bit too quiet for me…thanks for the compliment btw…steve

Send me one too, Clint.

  • Ben

I do one for you Clint.

Ben Cook

I’m always happy to give feedback, );?} be very interested to see what it is about.

Regards Andrew Schultz
( herman )

I’ll gladly look it over.

Shayne Gray.

Originally posted by 88 Noldo
I sent him a private email and nothing yet. So, if public clamor is required I am clamoring. Ed Mills


Brad Brunet

Nope no need for public clamouring - polite request once off is fine… :slight_smile:

Note I don’t work 24 hours a day - I got some emails after 6:30pm and then did not log on until 1am. :slight_smile:

I’ll get in touch with everyone that has listed above and send out the provisional questionnaire and instructions of what I would like you to do.

Then I’ll send out the finished Questionnaire to everyone and see what response we get.


I will take a look at the questionnaire as well if you wish.

This is intriguing, send me the questions please.

I would like to look it over also.