Questions/answers about PRS.

How does one “opt in”?

I’ve requested to be included, but I’ve been told no?

In fact, for giving my opinion when asked my opinion, I was threatened with punishment for actions detrimental to the game. What’s up with that?

And since when is replying to other’s posts considered “spamming”?

In case anyone wants to know:
The answer are.

Darrell Shimel can’t.

If we include Darrell Shimel, he’ll just use the info to show how screwd up the PRS is (half his scores were missing in the first set of results), so we won’t include you because we don’t want the truth getting out.

When you’re winning the debate, and we’re sick of it, then we call your opinion “spam” as a way to silence you.

THAT is Clint’s HIGH level of customer service.

Oh, god, here we go again: Mr. Shimel, you MUST have other things in your life than MEPBM (at least, I sincerely hope that you do). As someone who has read many of the posts on this subject(though admittedly not ALL of them: my stomach just isn’t that strong…), I suggest/request/beseech you to pursue them, and drop this thread in its infancy.

Mark Mills
GB 19, 99

Quit the game, Shimel, and do the rest of us a favor. You’re worthless.

  • Ben

Darrell can’t quit the game ATM. You know he is playing WK in our WOTR game, and from what I gather, he is learning team play. So there is still hope here ;o)


I’ve mentioned this before, but as this is the 5th time you’ve raised this question, I’ll say it again:

  1. I won’t let you participate because you’ve mentioned that you will specifically attempt to derail the system as you don’t agree with it. I’m not interested in having that attitude participate in this and reserve the right, for the good of the other players, to not allow you to participate.

  2. I have spent over 12 hours emailing back and fore to you about this and other issues you have. I have specifically answered all these questions before as well. I have 700 other players that need my time and attention and I think that I have given you more than a fair share of the time and attention a player deserves.

  3. Your emails continue to be be aggressive and confrontational, attacking us and others.

These are the reasons that I have given, not once but on many occasions. Treat me, my staff and the gaming community at large with civility and respect please. I apologise to everyone else for this and hope that it hasn’t spoilt your enjoyment of the game and the forum.


Originally posted by Clint

I’ve mentioned this before, but as this is the 5th time you’ve raised this question, I’ll say it again:

  1. I won’t let you participate because you’ve mentioned that you will specifically attempt to derail the system as you don’t agree with it. I’m not interested in having that attitude participate in this and reserve the right, for the good of the other players, to not allow you to participate.

Clint [/b]

                :) :) :)

The whiny customer isn’t always right, Clint.

  • Ben

Originally posted by Mormegil
Darrell can’t quit the game ATM. You know he is playing WK in our WOTR game, and from what I gather, he is learning team play. So there is still hope here ;o)


I was a top team player while you were in DIAPERS. PRS punishes team play. THAT IS WHY I HATE IT!

Whats PRS. Sounds some thing either the EU or the liberal democrats have thought up!

Originally posted by Clint
These are the reasons that I have given, not once but on many occasions. Treat me, my staff and the gaming community at large with civility and respect please. I apologise to everyone else for this and hope that it hasn’t spoilt your enjoyment of the game and the forum.

Clint [/b]

Clint, the rudness came from you overt censorship of ideas you did not like.

If you’re going to be a censor, I’ll tell the world you’re a censor.

If there are flaws in the PRS, I’m going to tell the world there are flaws in the PRS.

The PRS was a bad idea from day one. It is still a horrid idea. IT NEEDS TO DIE!!!

Just look at 233. I say “I’m going to try to get a good VP score”. The response is that I’m a “crazed activist”, that is ruining the game.

Well, if one person trying to score well ruins the game, it isn’t the fault of the person trying to score well. It is the fault of the designers of the scoring system.

You may be able to silence me on the list, but your addition of censorship on this forum was met with such a negative response, that you are unable to silence me here.

DEATH TO PRS! DEATH to any ranking system that rewards poor team play, encourages backstabbing, and is really nothing more than a way to get people to spend more money.

You are a tard. Grow up.

  • Ben

Oh, and R.K. Floyd is to blame for the current set of rants.

I’m I’m going to be called a “crazed activist”, and you’re going to let that kind of name calling through the censorship screen, then I’ll be one. He kicked the sleeping dog.

Oh yeah, PRS SUCKS!

I think everyone should try to be the best payer they can be. That means taking neutral, riding the fence as long as possible, jumping to the winning side. That means making back room deals to excahnge votes. That means jumping into games against weaker opponets and finishing lots of games quickly.

Hell, I’ll bet you can get clint to just give you points if you put enough money in your account… That’s really all it’s about.

Oh, and while we’re at it. Should I bring up while I’ll NEVER use automagic… They won’t admit that the same isn’t less.

Feet to the fire man, feet to the fire.

and to think I had forgotten the prs was there…didn’t we fight through all this a couple of months ago?

Seems to me someone is taking the PRS way to serious !! I remember Harly saying that it was for fun only and yes it did have problems !! I have only taken a look once and that was when Harly first notified me of it – haven’t been back since then !! I am not vain enough to worry about what a system rates me – all i care about is getting in a game with a bunch of friends and then trying to do our best to work together and win the game – don’t care who wins just as long as the side i am playing for does !!
If worried about the system – would drop every game that i am getting my butt kicked just to keep the 100% mark – noticed that one player had 1 drop and was still listed as 100% – I get in a game and the only way will drop the game is if am the last person or if a team game the whole team decides to drop and thus would be the last person again !! Other wise it up to the other side to Take me out , Kill all my character or Bankrupt me !! End of story !!
I fell more honored when i get a group or person asking me – "would you like to join our grudge game and if so what nation and side would you vote to play " This tells me that some people out there think i am an alright player and a team player and have asked me to play in a game with them !! Out of the 9 games i am playing right now – only one i started (as a neutral) on my own – the others are either grudge games or went in with at least two or more people !! So really couldn’t care if was dead last on the PRS !!

        Mike -- in numerous games with friends !!

hah…you only say that because you know I have dead last on the prs all wrapped up already

Sorry, folks, I started it: I never should have replied to Mr. Shimel’s infantile post. My advice is, ignore him: it’s too much to hope that he’ll go away, but at least it will reduce him to talking to himself.

Mark Mills
GB 19, 99

Darrell -

My hunch is also that PRS is not good for the game. But it’s only one opinion. Once voiced, if there’s no traction, what’s the point of going on and on about it?

Time will tell whether PRS is a good thing or a bad thing for MEPBM. And Clint will make a business decision based upon his observations over time of how it’s affecting his revenues & profits. If it turns out to be more profitable, it’ll stay around and/or evolve (which means that you and I are wrong). If it’s less profitable, it’ll go the way of the dinosaurs.

I ask again (I hope you think nicely) for you to get off the soapbox, put it away in the closet, and get on with being a very good MEPBM player. If at some point in the future, Clint axes the PRS because it has been bad for business, you can then get out the soapbox and tell everyone you told them so.

But until then, how does your continued ranting help anything? anything at all?

So I plea for you to put it to rest and get on with playing the game.


Folks, sorry for adding fuel to this but I feel I have a right to reply to Darrel’s comment about me (shown below for your convenience):

<<Oh, and R.K. Floyd is to blame for the current set of rants. <snip> He kicked the sleeping dog.>>

The sleeping “DOG” (his quote, not mine) awoke himself. It’s rather sad that he feels he must blame me for his “rants” (again, his quote, not mine). After months of peace and quiet Mr. Shimel posted the below of his own accord and without provocation on May 11 in the G233 game forum:

<<From the DS musings on the board, it would seem I’d best get busy on stock piling gold to boost my score.>>

While this is not necessarily an inflammatory comment in and of itself, we fully know Darrel’s intentions behind it after having had went through this whole circus with him months ago. If you don’t know, he is referencing the fact that he intends to stay neutral, build up, and join the winning side at the last minute so that we will then know the PRS system “sucks”. What he does not understand is that it’s not his point of view that disturbs us but rather the fact he is using the game to protest his point of view in an attempt to teach us all a lesson. This stance caused him to back out on agreements to go Free he made with the FP as well as to hold back on giving economic aid he had promised. I’m a DS in this game, but I understand this was rather distressing to the FP team.

Darrel has also mentioned in the same forum that he wonders what other games will be starting soon which he can then join and continue his actions in a similar manner to prove to us all that “PRS sucks”. Mr. Shimel may be absolutely right in his opinion of what PRS may/can do to the game. His methods, however, are sorely lacking in tact and respect. If Mr. Shimel does end up being right, I have full faith in Clint and the staff that they will do away with PRS or fix the problems that arise. Unlike Mr. Shimel and me and the rest of you, the staff’s paycheck is derived from this game. Will they sit and watch it be destroyed? Of course not! And hey, if it is broken and they don’t fix it . . . well . . .It’s a game. I’ll get over it.

As for my “crazed activist” comment . . . I (and others who used the term on the MEPBMList) never connected the term with Darrel’s name or nation. He chose to do that himself.

R.K. Floyd

Although I completely agree with what Mark Mills was saying above, i.e. that ignoring Darrell would be the best, I want to express my support for Clint and his staff here. To call them censors is complete bull****. And to be banned from the PRS after officially announcing to abuse it, is only consistent.
What Darrell is doing here is the most pathetic thing I ever read on this messageboard. He just can’t accept defeat. The PRS is running for some time now and did anybody notice a change of playing style in the community except of what Mr. Shimel did? NOOO. Would that be enough proof that the PRS is NOT ruining the game? YES. So what are we talking about ? Mr. Shimels wounded pride, nothing else.
Darrell, I have been playing MEPBM since 1991, and the only one who needs diapers, according to his childish behaviour, is you.

Here is an idea, why not just not accept Darrell as a player. hehe Your game you can choose who you allow to play it.
