
I have not found any information on any of the sites about this encounter. Does anyone have any information on him? I know he decreases the loyalty of the pop center. I had an army there, and he terrified the men, and was unsure if he would come back or not.

Any info would be appreciated!

Copy and Paste the encounter here please.

During the night, we were visited by a monster from the deep sands and crevices. The men are still talking in hushed whispers and are still worrying whether they will still be alive after their watch is over. It was during the second watch that the first warning was given. The moon had been full and visibility was good for over 200 yards. A warning shout went up as the first sentry caught sight of something speeding across the night landscape. It stopped about 150 yards away and just seemed to be watching us. It looked like a monstrous Mountain Troll, but it sported fierce talons on both hands and feet and it had fangs set into huge and powerful jaws. We set up in a skirmish line in order to meet it head on, when from the massive shoulders
spread leathery wings which sprang the beast into the middle of our formation! Suddenly, it laughed a loud laugh of fiendish horror and sprang again into the air over and over again. The scream and yells were enough
to send even the bravest cowering. Finally, with a look that promised it would leave little behind next time, the Sand Demon Razarac sprang into the night and was gone. As I said, the men remain terrified.

Never had this encounter before but it sounds like an army encounter. Is that correct? If so, nothing you can do about it.

What area of ME did you have the encounter?

Well, I’d guess it was in the desert. I’d suspect that the morale of the army was significantly reduced. There are a few army encounters kicking around that do that. Others pilfer food. Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t the encounters that actually kill the troops of one or another allegiance always be recruited by the other (ie, Woses, Eagles, etc)? Assuming no troops were killed in this encounter, Razarac doesn’t appear recruitable. But isn’t there a modifier regarding many of these types of army-reruitable encounters that’s based on command rank? ie, low commanders will get relatively meaningless encounters where a higher commander would have actually recruited the creature (or what have you) into the army? I don’t have specific’s, but I seem to recall Mumaks and Woses NOT being recruited into like-allegiance armies.

The question would thusly be: Has anyone ever seen Razarac with an army? I recognize the name, but have no experience myself, much like I recognize the word Lossoth, but have never experienced them either…


Brad, there are two deserts in ME. I have received the Lossarth encounter and I don’t recall snow bring mentioned. This encounter could be highly localized which would account (maybe) for its rarity.

This encounter could be highly localized which would account (maybe) for its rarity.

Like hobbits and tom b, then? Could be. But the desert in Mordor is frequented by moving armies quite a lot, no? I’m guessing that it’s the south, and armies generally do not move around there very often.

I have assassinated him before. Never remember much but him hitting the loyatly in Khand area. He is still around in FA too. Actually scryed all the FA NPC’s but lost that info when I stopped playing for 4 years.


He is in the East Mordor Gap. I encountered him with a 600 troop army. I did not have any option to do anything, and the next turn he hit another pop in the area. If no army is present he lowers the loyalty of the pop, if an army is present he lowers the morale of the army.

So I guess I need to challenge him to get rid of him?

He sounds like a bad news bear. Sometimes it is just best to endure.

I havn’t found any references so far. The quest continues. BTW the name doesn’t appear to exist in tolkiens world. Am trying norse dictionary now as it does sound norselike.

Talked with a friend of mine that I once compiled a wealth of FA info with. He remembers Razarc to be a 30C. I thought he was a wimp. I think he may be described as a sand demon though I can remember if that is from a spell or from the text description from a personal challenge.


Warhammer’s post above is a quote of the encounter. “The Sand Demon Razarac” is in the encounter description.

He is a “Mystic” on a scout for characters