A Neutral working for the DS has a large force disbanded and commander subsequently killed by Sauron. Men have died and pops have burned at the hands of the Free. Now…what should this Neutral do…?
None of the above.
Care to provide a 3rd option?
Bow before the clear display of Might demonstrated by Sauron, and declare Dark Servant.
Carve out an empire for himself and wipe out both the DS & FP’s, ask the other neutrals to join you in a fight of self rule rather than katowing to either aliengence
Someone else here does that a lot, wouldn’t want that kind of reputation now, would I?
Realise that they are all out to get you, become a Hermit and live in an isolated cave.
Regards Herman
Or bankrupt your nation and retire all your characters… That will show them!
Take responsibilty for not Honoring your commitment by changing Alliegence fast enough to Sauron! And change immediately.
Unfortunate but ya get that sometimes. Until you actually declare, how does a computer NPC know who’s side you are on???
I’d go DS and send a reparation bill to the DS stating losses and asking for some relief. In real terms though no big deal. Imagine how players feel when
T0 or T1 Sauron visits your freep capital and trashes the start army and a batch of comms.
The freep have ‘actually’ been attacking you the DS disaster was no-one elses fault. Play it out and try to recover
I think you’re taking his post seriously.
curse UPS for not delivering into Mordor?
Take the loss and still declare. A promise is a promise
Naaah. It didn’t happen to me
I’m on holidays at the moment and got faaaar to much time on my hands.
Get his precious and become the master Slay Sauron!
Bah. You get a new job and during your probationary period a senior manager pops by your house for dinner, smashes the china steals the crystal and takes your wife with him to boot and you go to work the next day, redoubling your efforts to please the boss? What a bunch of slaves you all are.