Rick Loomis has passed away

Not many of you may know who Rick is but he was one of the forefathers of PBM. Rick owned and operated Flying Buffalo Inc (started in 1970!) and ran several different PM games and published Tunnels and Trolls (among others) while also serving as the President of the GMA and working tirelessly as an ambassador of the PBM hobby. I met Rick at a Con in San Luis Obispo in 1988 and have had many a Dr Pepper with him after at various conventions. Rick was a prince among men who always had a kind word and was willing to help those in the PBM/RPG industry.
Rick was diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer earlier this year and passed away on the 24th due to complications of his disease. RIP Rick, my life was better for having known you. For those interested there is a https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-gaming-legend-rick-loomis.

Yes it was very sad to hear about the passing of Rick Loomis, a great man who ran the US side of Dungeonworld.

Yes it was very sad news. Met him at US Gencon many a year ago, and chatted a while. Lots of emails back and fore over the years, and Sam’s first intro into gaming was Tunnels and Trolls. A legend of PBM
