Riddle help

Greetings to the Wise,

I’ve heard of this encounter before, but I can’t find it in The Library or any linking sites.

XXX character finds a path and seeks shelter from the storm. He follows path to a cave. In the cave he finds an "oblong block of dark stone, engulfed in a faith transparent blue light that covered the entire surface. Upon the stone lay something that did not shine but attracted his attention nonetheless. The cave seemed almost to be calling him. He couldn’t tell what it was, and certainly the item there was a powerful artifact. What should he do:

attack Physically
attack Magically
Remove the item
Steal the artifact
Wait and order pizza
declare Allegiance
say one word (a choice expletive)
or Flee

Thanks in advance!

Nick Cody

Order pizza would be my choice!

Originally posted by NCody
The cave seemed almost to be calling him.

Based on my personal experience with horror movies, when people hear or feel something “calling” to them, the best choice is always to flee. :smiley:

Although a choice expletive might also be appropriate. :wink:

Pukel Guardian encounter if I remember correctly. Make sure you have a high challenger, 100+ should do it.

If it’s a mage, attack magically. Anyone else, attack physically.

  • Ben

True what benmin18 says. You have the pukkel creature or Drunedain in the cave encounter. If you are not powerfull enough to beat the creature, just issue 900 artifact number together with e.g. Order pizza and that should allow you to pick the artifact up.

  • Jeppe