Riddle Help

One of two,
They were the same.
One did its Dwarf imbue
With an orc sensing fierce blue flame.

It’s not in my riddles references. There seems to be a few riddles floating around that are not recorded previously. The elven swords in the Hobbit book certainly fit the bill. ‘Orcrist’ was Thorin’s sword (apparently the orcs called it ‘Biter’ - which is a troubling throught considering they’re purely imaginary so they shouldn’t be telling me that… and they should look a whole lot more like Jennifer Hawkins if they’re going to gate crash my imagination anyway…). Gandalf’s sword was Glamdring or ‘Foe Hammer’. Bilbo’s was not named other than his choice of ‘Sting’ - a rather dull choice in my opinion. Other than that, no idea of the real answer, just wasting time on a slow slow day :slight_smile:

Definitely Orcrist, twin sword to Glamdring, and the only sword (to my knowledge) that a dwarf wields in any of the books. That and the fact it glows when orcs are near makes it a pretty safe bet.

No real good reason, but…

#144 Orcruin
#145 Orcring

Both good, both +2250 combat, both no secondary powers, both very similar to Orcrist, save the number. All three with orc… Much a pair, or more.

Not the same as a paramour.

If you try one and it works, please post that.

I will leave answer as Orcrist, and will follow up if works. TY for help