He was grey to most
and white to the rest,
but to the little host,
his other name was best.
I thought I knew the answer. Apparently either I was wrong or it doesn’t always work 
I answered ‘Gandalf’ but got a reply saying it was still waiting for something.
Anyone happen upon this one before?
Gandalf to the Northern Men
Mithrandir to the Elves and Dunedain
Tharkun to the Dwarves
Olorin in his youth
Wouldn’t the Little Host be the Hobbits though?
Id think the Company of the Ring were the little host...but i don
t know what difference that would make to your problem…
could it be wizard…
As in …
Gandalf the Grey
Gandalf the White
and if memory is correct the hobbits call him Gandalf the Wizard.
Wasn’t he known as Gandalf Greyhame to the Hobbits?
Regards Herman
Also called, at various times, by various people,
Grey Wanderer (Westron)
Grey Pilgrim (Westron)
Incanus (Haradrim)
Gandalf Greyhame (Rohirrim)
Grey Fool
Enemy of Sauron
White Rider