RPG - an after-thought

Just curious, after the comments about Gygax, to see who out there Roleplays?

If so which games do you play?

Started with (GM/Player) Dragon Warriors when I was 13, D+D a little (still have the dice!), Fighting Fantasy, T+T (Take that you Fiend!), pre-Uni; AD+D, then in Uni ran a WH Fantasy game (as usual revamped the shocking system!), Shadowrun, Cthulu, more AD+D, Dragon Warriors, Shadowrun, FengShui, Rolemaster. Never played MERP (read the rules) though.

Presently FengShui once a week after a hiatus of a few years and soon to start up in a Traveller meets Firefly campaign (still working on getting a Battlestar into it but there you go!)

Clint (player)

I played a vast number of RPGs off and on, but the ones that really stood out (and that I played the most), were AD&D, MERP, Shadowrun, Paranoia, and Twilight:2000.

Played AD&D for ever…ShadowRun and Traveller a little bit…something about Robotech, but mostly AD&D. Loved the flavor of Forgotten Realms which is what led me to MEPBM in the first place. I haven’t read through all of the books but I gather a lot of information from websites and such.


1st Edition AD&D
WarHammer Fantasy
Shadow Run
Rolemaster (great Lord of the Rings setting and tie in with MEPBM)
MERP (a junior version of Rolemaster) … read rules only … couldn’t hold up to Rolemaster I felt


3rd Edition D&D … limited time availability, so can only play one game

Started years ago with D&D, but rapidly moved on to playing Runequest for quite a long time. Have played over the years Rolemaster, Top Secret, Warhammer, GURPS, 7th Sea, Amber, Serenity, Call of Cthullu, Paranoia, Ars Magica, and Buffy. We’re currently playing a monthly Buffy campaign.

I’ve probably missed out a whole load of other stuff that we’ve played over the years, but since I’ve been playing since I was 12 and I’m now nearly 40 you tend to forget a few things you’ve done over the years. We’ve played a whole bunch of home brew stuff as well which aren’t in the survey.


Played D&D (paper pamphlet rule books), then first edition AD&D. We used the AD&D first edition rule books until 1992 when I moved from TX to CA (when I became too busy and had no gamer friends). We also played IFGS (LARP) quite a lot in TX in the late 1980s and early 1990s. That was a total hoot! In fact, I met my wife playing IFGS (an extra added bonus) - you should have seen her Djinn costume! yowza!

Now days I play AD&D with my family every so often. My 11 and 7-yr olds love it!


I started out with D&D then went to AD&D. I preferred first edition rules. Now they are up to the Forth? (just so you have to buy a whole new set of books!) the Played paranoia (loved it), Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun, MERP, GURPS, MechWarrior, Vampire;the Masquerade, Werewolf, I played a LARP Vampire game in Savannah GA for a while and really liked it. I have not been playing any role playing games since I don’t know any other players in my area.


Started with D&D and moved quickly to AD&D, Traveller, Rolemaster, a little Mech Warrior, Champions and Marvel. My Favorite character to this day was my 8th level Monk called “Bede” of course. (For those of you who know your English history!"

Regards Herman

D&D, AD&D, some Shadowrun, have a few rules for Cthulhu, big into most of the Warhammer variants (40k, Fantasy, Quest - which should be re-released soon! - Bloodbowl, Necromunda, etc). Although, tbh, World of Warcraft (and mmorpgs) kinda trump irl rpgs for me - easier to role play and you can /kick idiots out of your group! :stuck_out_tongue:


Should start another thread for the mmorpgs. Guild Wars was an old favorite and City of Heroes/Villains is my new time eater. Nothing more annoying than being online and getting up to get a cup of coffee to find it is 2am and you have to get up in 4 hours… I hate that.

Regards Herman

Played earlier AD&D, plus a bit of Runequest but that was just painfully slow and I didn’t need the additional “realism” when I was talking about attacking a mythical creature with a magic sword etc.

Had a laugh with Paranoia and a stab at MERP too.

Those days are sadly long gone but I still have the dice!

Yeh did Paranoia a couple of times, just recalled, and a really weird Zombie 24hr roleplay once, like Gavin, probably too many to recall the odd one-off etc. Champions, the Cardiff guys love it, but personally men-in-pants bores me so I’ve tried to avoid that although I have played the odd bit of that in my time.

Feel free to start up your own threads… :slight_smile:

Clint (player)

started with D&D and AD&D, then tried almost every system that was out there. loved warhammer fantasy for the setting and rolemaster for the logical but not necessarily comlicated rules, so combined both.
out of active roleplaying since I moved to Berlin 9 years ago, before that I played a lot of shadowrun and earthdawn.
can recommend earthdawn very much, very lovingly crafted scenario and rules!
ATM WoW replaced roleplaying for me. good way to keep in touch with old buddies that live in my hometown, talking to them via TeamSpeak is almost like meeting them :slight_smile:

Yeah I’ve never really been into Superhero RPGs really, although some of the characters have been quite powerful.

I tend to do all kind of Gaming from Board Games (Mainly the German ones) to Card Games (Magic, Shadowfist, Middle Earth) to MMORPGs (WoW). I used to played RPG PBMs as well but they have sadly dropped off in number over the years. My main problem is now that I’m married I have less time to play.


Anyone ever visit Treasure Trap? Live role playing at Peckforton Castle I think it was called.

Spent a great week there in around about 83/4 I think.

Played all of the above with the exception of Tunnels & Trolls plus quite a few more. I’ve owned many many games back in the day, many for simple reading and ideas. A wonderful hobby. Got boxes and boxes in storage.

Don’t play much of anything (excepting MEPBM, of course!) these days as age and responsibility have crept in, though I have been know to join the occasional play-by-post game. Sadly, most of these have short lives.

Started with T&T (yes clint I also remember TTYF), then did D&D, AD&D, Rolemaster, MERP (basically a cut down version of Rolemaster), Spacemaster(highly underrated game), Star wars, Paranoia, Paladium, Abeta, Runequest, traveller, Twilight2000, call of Chuthulu and some other wierd and wonderful one…

Still have some of my old MERP and Rolemaster stuff… Sad thing was I had the old Corsairs of Umbar Module… whioch is worth a fortune now…

AD&D, of course. Prefered Battletech for a long time. I was such a geek for that game…grin Tried quite a few others. Still play AD&D 3ed. I like it because it simplified the rules. NO MORE THAC0!!! grin

Probably the most unusual game I ever played was “Tales of the Floating Vagabond”. I swear that in the introduction at the front of the manual it stated that the game was “better when played drunk.”

Of course I just HAD to create a character named Anita Biere…lol

Worth a fortune? I have that module, among many others. What makes you say it’s worth a fortune?