Rules for Alliance Game
* One nation per player, normal format of 10xDS, 10xFP, 5xN. 5 nation
choices must be sent in (more is helpful).
* The game is anonymous as to who is playing what nation, but 25 players are
known. You may encourage others to join, but not discuss your nations
choices with them.
Diplos and information sharing
* No .pdf or .xml sharing allowed.
* Each nation may send no more than one diplo to each other nation in the
game, every turn, 50 words or less, these diplos will be sent with the turn.
3423 is one word, as is Dark Lieutenants for these purposes.
* Diplos can include subterfuge, lies, etc. (e.g. a diplo can pretend to be
from the IK, when it's in fact from NG), they cannot reveal phone numbers,
identity, email, or any contact information. They are restricted to in-game
information & strategy, but could request help on attaining a VC.
* You can send diplos with your first turn, but not before the game starts.
* First, Second and Third place finishers are determined by nation score
plus Individual Nation VCs plus 200pt bonus for One Ring victory if you are
nation who delivers One Ring to Mt Doom (3423). First place finisher must be
on the winning side. 2nd and 3rd place do not have to be on the winning
* Game ends when one One Ring victory occurs or when one allegiance (DS,FP)
outnumbers the other 2:1 in active nations or when 2/3 of players on one
allegiance (DS,FP) concede (dead nations counting as a vote to concede).
Request for voting can be sent in at any time, with a maximum of once per 5
turns (so turns 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc, and we'll email the players with the
next turn.
* After 50 turns, the game ends if it has not otherwise ended and the
allegiance with the most combined total Victory Points (including Individual
nation VCs) wins.
* After the game has finished, the total points that each nation received
is revealed, both with and without individual nation VCs. Each individual
player's nation is not identified unless the player decides to do so of
their own volition.
Other miscellaneous rules
* Dropped nations are not replaced and are allowed to SS as normal until the
end of the game. They are not picked up by another player.
* There is no internet posting of information about the game by the GMs
(i.e. no dead nations list like in some of the GB games). No player, or
proxy, may post details of their positions, or diplome on the forum, yahoo
list or similar locations. The ONLY contact between players allowed is via
the 50 word diplo sent via ME Games and forwarded by them.
* Normal House rules and 1650 rules apply, you can't send in Shadow orders
for another players, nor are pick ups allowed.
* Set-up charges: an additional �7/$12.90 per set-up will be charged and on
turn 11/21/31/41 we will charge this again. We expect between anything from
400-600 emails per turn. J This could be upto 5 hours extra work per turn
for us.. I'll keep you posted on how this goes.