Hello All.
Can anyone tell me the challenge rank of Saruman The White as I cannot find it out on Bobbins.
Hello All.
Can anyone tell me the challenge rank of Saruman The White as I cannot find it out on Bobbins.
I must have an ancient version of Bobbins notes. I’ve cropped the following…
Will improve command rank, possibly mage rank or emissary rank. Might teach mages a lost list spell. Saruman has been known to grant mage skill to a character who didn’t have it prior to the encounter. Saruman’s ranks are as follows: Command 30-39, Agent 10-19, Emissary 70-79, Mage 100+. Base challenge rank for Saruman is thought to be around 123+. Saruman carries artifact 162, Glosovagil, which gives him a +30 to his challenge rank.
I’m told that issuing a combat response to the encounter for dragons is easier than PCing the character. That might help also.
Otherwise, never worried about doing anything in the past. Super NPC’s have a nasty habit of spanking your favourite ‘bed time barbie’ and taking your dollies.
Good luck!
It’s probably worth noting that I suspect any information sheets would have been made with the results of a ‘Perceive Power’ spell known for each of the super characters. If you’ve got nothing better to do with a decent level mage, might be worth casting it on the main NPC’s then you’ll have up to date info? Theoretically they should be pretty accurate with the inclusion of the artifacts? Though Dragons don’t seem to work that way - nor I suspect Sauron, which has probably just caused you to question whether Bobbins had any real insight when he pegged Saruman’s challenge rank as well
Combat from an encounter will give you lost list spells and the like, depending on who/what you pop. 210 gets the skill rank. If you load a Commander to kill dragons (providing you do it right…) issue 210. If you use a character with mage skill, do the encounter attack thingie…
Challenge from Gorovod at 3028
In the Shore/Plains of 3028 a ritual duel began. A large circle was drawn in the parade grounds outside of the camp. As the residents of Tir Ethraid gathered around, Gorovod, a healthy robed mage stepped forth and called challenge. In his hands was borne the glowing Sword called Fuinrauko.
In answer, Saruman the White, a healthy and shining Maiar Spirit appeared! In his hands was borne the glowing Sword called Glosovagil. The odds could not be calculated by those watching. The fight began with both combatants uttering spells and incantations. Colored lights and energies of varied intensity surged around Saruman the White and Gorovod. Suddenly, Gorovod called upon a mystical source and slew Saruman the White with a spell of great power, but suffered minor wounds.
Hi Adrian. Well done. what was Gorovod’s challenge rank? and what did he get from the encounter?
Hello Rob.
I would prefer not to disclose Gorovod’s challenge rank whilst I am in a game.
The FP don’t post, but that is not to say that they do not read the forum:)
If you reply with an e-mail I will tell you.
All he got from the challenge was +3 Mage and #162 Glosovagil a +1500 Combat Artifact.
Rob - it wasn’t an encounter, it was a 210.
Hi Brad. Yeah it looks like I’m mixing up my orders. PC yes, old people get forgiven for making such mistakes