New Game Variant Questions.
First a quick background.
I am currently in three games. 2 1650 games and a BOFA game with some new friends.
In one of the 1650 games, we’ve had wonderful communication. In the other, while we have a number of great players, our communication is not particularly bad or good and we’ve had some people do “interesting things” like retiring their Nazgul.
However, in the BOFA game, the communication has been outstanding. It is simply a tremendously fun game, and it takes a ton less time to coordinate.
The key difference is the number of players. In small games (2-5 players on a side), your team does not have nearly the chance to have poor communication, and the time it takes is much, MUCH less.
So in a sense, it is between a normal game (tons of emails and time) and gunboat (no emails and time).
So I got to thinking about what I personally would most like in a game. It would be a small group on each side, where neutrals are around, but are not overwhelming. Where , like in BOFA, tension exists each turn, but it is on a much more mature scale.
Since a number of my other friends seem to feel the same way, I wanted to get a general consensus from the boards about interest in the following variant. Also as a variant, having only 10 players required make for a easier to fill game. As a game designer for a D-20 company/board game group, I might have the required skills to set this up well…
2nd Age: The Last Alliance of Men and Elves. (Yes I know there has been another version for this, but it was a full 25 players).
Each of the 4 primary nations on each major side has no limit on their max characters from the opening turn (just like the kingdoms in 4th age). [Clint could we do this easily, without hitting the source code).
Each of the 2 Neutral nations have the standard progression of # of characters. They are not the main players, but in time can become an asset to their side. They however, can choose to remain neutral (like in 4th age).
No one ring victory. Game ends at turn 30. (Points to sides based on other nations eliminated, etc). Either Sauron gains enough power from the ring to overcome the free, or the free overcome Sauron and take the ring… By having a 30 turn game, the tension stays high ,and players should (hopefully) be less likely to quit, because they could still win/place if they “just hold on”. I see it happening in bofa. “Lets see if we can hold to turn 10!” Is a common saying.
I’m not going to spend much effort on it until Clint says it is possible and I get 10 total interest players, but here is a quick break-down.
The nations are very strong. This is a time of legend. The characters are strong, as are the pop centers (for the most part). Think 1650 if you started the game around turn 25.
Noldo (With Giligad and most of the current Noldo minus Elrond’s sons who were not around.
Sinda (With Cereborn and Galadriel, and their daughter Celebrían who were around a lot at this time)
Arnor (With Elendil, and Isildur (who had just fled north when Sauron had taken Minis Tirith as his own (the starting point of the game).
Gondor (With Anárion holding Oz and still as the L around mordor)
Evil (Working titles)
The Dark Lord (Sauron & His Servants)
The Northern Nazgul (The first 4 Nazgul and their northern fallen kingdoms)
The Haradran (The Fallen who live south of Mordor, including the QA, who seduced them (In my thinking anyway)).
The Fallen (The Other Nazgul, mostly around Rhovianin and Mordor)
The Neutrals
Mountain Men (Will they come to the aid of Gondor???)
Any ideas or suggestions are great, but basically, I am looking for if there is any interest in a high powered, low number of allies with less potent neutrals (at the beginning) game.