I’m torn on this issue, like so many others.
This idea of “figure it out for yourself” is certainly romantic… However, it is a team game, and a team with even one lone gun out there trying to figure it out for himself, is DOOMED. If you enjoy losing, then by all means get on a team with someone that wants to figure it out for themselves.
I don’t enjoy losing.
The old timers like being able to stomp every team they come up against. They can do this, because they have the inside info. They don’t want that info out there for all to see.
In short, if it weren’t such a fast paced game (average game is what, 20 turns) where the most coordinated and knowledgeable team wins EVERY TIME, then I’d be on the side of “figure it out for yourself”.
But it is a fast paced game where the most coordinated and knowledgeable team winse EVERY TIME.
No one is suggesting removing the fog of war or the randomness of the game. Just some more info on the formulas used.
For example. Let’s say the formula for an assassin getting stopped by a pop militia is pop loyalty - agent rank + 10 per level of fortification +/- relations. ( I have NO IDEA if that is even close).
Well, after 13 years of playing the game, someone would have a general sense that a starting MT with a Fort will never stop his 100 agent, but will stop a 60 agent over half the time. The newbie will send his agents into enemy pops, while the experienced player uses his 60 agents to clean up the battle field after winning in combat.
The expereinced player wins… Not because he is better, but because he has been around longer and figured things out on his own.
The figure it out on your own worked great when the game was new and NO ONE knew anything. You had a chance of not getting eaten alive in 5 turns. Noe, the game is over a dozen years old, and some people have been playing since the start. They will eat any new player for lunch!!! Old timers, put yoursleves into the shoes of the newbies. It may have been fun stumbling around in the dark when EVERYONE was a newbie. Not so much fun stumbling around in the dark when most of the players have 6-8-10-12 years of experience and are stomping you like a bug befire you have a chance to figure out anything. You team is angry, your enemy is laughing and rubbing it in your face.
I see no harm in publishing general guidelines on more of the formulas… For example, Clint could release the general formula for a pop stopping an agent, but not tell you exactly how much the relations bonus/penalty is. Then, a newbie would know that his A60 isn’t going to kill anyone in an enemy City/Citidel.
Right now, MEPBM isn’t a fair fight to any newbie. I’m surprised any newbie bothers to play a second time after getting yelled at by teammates and then stomped into the ground by old-timers.