“It is time young king, time to put down the darkness and step into the light. Time to be what your ancestors aspired too. Time to be the one and true King.” The elven chancellor’s voice rung true in the heart and soul of the man sitting on the throne. “Very well, I wish it would not come to this, but we must prepare for war. He shall not prevail. On the will of the fathers; a new darkness shall not rise!”
Meanwhile, elsewhere, from the slime covered lips of a darkskinned orc. “Yes, yes we have the hordes prepared and the warmongers still pretend to feud to have an excuse for their build ups. We are ready for your lead sir.” The King look at his servant, venom spitting from his lips with ever word. “My cousin is too weak to lead. His lack of ambition and reliance on diplomacy has gained nothing. It is time for his term to end and I, the only true lord of this realm to rise. It is time for war!”
The year is 998 of the 4th age. The Kingdoms precarious peace is about to come to an end, and only one shall rule in the end. It is time for middleearth to decide with blood and sweat. It is time for you to fight for the right to be a Kingmaker.”
Played 1650 a few times and enjoyed it grand epic feel?
Ever wonder what it would be like to develop your own nation, but not want to deal with the 3 way game and the smaller nations of 4th age?
This is the perfect chance to try both!
Kingmaker is a 4th age variant which incorporates the latest 4th age rules, which allow for larger nations, those nations near enemies are bigger or more heavily fortified, to denote their preparations for war. It is a 2 way war, with the free backing one of the kingdoms and the darks backing the other. 5 neutrals exist, much as in the standard 1650 and 2950 games, to later take a side.
The rules of Kingmaker are:
- One Kingdom starts on the Free team, and one on the Dark Team. Which is north and which is south is determined by regional selection rules as normal.
- Region Rules (including all nations knowing which allegiance is in which region before nation design).
- All other revised 4th age Rules (increased population money and SNA for having harbors and ports, free upgrades and fortifications for being on roads or not in mountains, etc).
- Kingdom at War: Kingdoms get troops for half cost just like normal nations.
- Embattlement Rules:
a) For each enemy in an adjacent region, allied nations receive 4000 additional gold for population center upgrades.
b) For each neutral in an adjacent region the nation receives 2000 additional gold.
c) For each ally in an adjacent zone, allied nations reduce their embattlement bonus gold by 4000 gold.
d) Embattlement bonus gold can not be reduced below 0 gold. - True Neutrals: No allied neutrals at start (max of 5). Neutrals can not win.
This is a call for people interested in the 4th age Kingmaker Variant, particularly 1650 players new to 4th age and interested in trying something similar.
Clint has said you need 10 people before MEPBM will open up a listing for a variant game, so let’s see what we can do. I think I have around 5 people interested right now.
Mike and Ernie. I noticed you both lamenting about 3 ways on the list. Perhaps you’ll join this and see how it turns out?
Clint, maybe you’d be up for trying it?
See ya,
P.S. I’ll put a list of adjacent regions and the regional map up as a link later, or you can contact me privately.
P.P.S. I know some people do not like the embattlement stuff from the FASUP list. I personally do not know if it is needed in 4th age proper with the revised rules. Still, the variant would be a fun place to see how they work out without disrupting 4th age testing. If you would be willing to play if the embattlement rules were NOT part of the variant, go ahead and say so.