Sign up for the new FA game that's filling!

Hi folks,

there is a new Fourth Age game filling, #441. We’re looking for players to sign up. Nothing fancy about this game, just good old bare-knuckled Fourth Age action.

There are 16 sign-ups already and 9 open slots.

Come design your nation and join the fun!


Oh, and here’s a very old, but still relatively helpful article for newbies on nation design I wrote for “News from Bree”. A lot has changed since the setup rule redesign (no 60 agents, assignment by region, changed artifact and SNA costs…), but the basics are still the same I feel. Happy for any feedback. I was thinking about rewriting it, as well as a primer of the first 10 turns of gameplay.


Twins Perilous have signed up…down to a handful of slots…Jz

Great! Welcome to the thunder dome.

22 positions filled, a few slots left!

Been waiting months for this. Let’s rumble!

All Full Up! Thanks to everyone who signed on to 441. See you on the battlefield!


well we can still make some small chat here, dont we?

which faction are you in? i am a neutral and i will be very glad to hear anyone.