Elves, Nmen and Dwarves united for the BOFA Tourney Game 114
I tell ya, they have put away their bows / swords / hammers and agreed to fight fight fight ! Fight the Wargs! Fight the Gobbos !
Now, why did we put away our weapons? 
Good luck to my gallant victim er opponent…
No one wants to 'fess up?
Whoever you are, this game is interesting. Slaughter on both sides on t1, but only 1 army vs army combat which FP won. T2 will see more army vs army action… I think I am going to win a couple of important ones…
I’d enjoy a response to my diplo even if you want to stay anonymous…
Oh, Hi there. It’s me. Interesting going so far, eh?
Jason Vafiades
Aha… Jason… a worthy opponent indeed !
Maybe we’ll get going a little more offline… but to keep things going here for a minute:
T1: I thought I had the perfect opening gambit and whatever you did I would be laughing… but when turn results came back I was a bit disappointed that you had done pretty much exactly what I hoped you wouldnt
T2: I was alot less confident of my orders going in… but more pleased with what came back… or is that just a false sense of security?
All this all out savagery is going to kill our economies pretty quick 
It’ll do that, yeah.
I’m just experimenting and having fun. But don’t get too comfortable…
Hey good luck to you both… Maybe I should join this tourney even my friends might want a piece of me… 
Hiya Terry… sign up for a game… I can’t legitimately be BOFA Champion of the Universe unless I get a few games first 
I did Bud… I figuired both my friends and foes alike deserved a 1 on 1 shot at me… Heaven knows I have alot in the foe department…