Sorry to bother you all with a couple of basic questions, but I have some doubts.
In order for a character to join my company, it does not matter what relations his nation has with mine. The only concern is that I have friendly relations with him.
When combating multiple armies, the FORCE of my army is divided proportionnaly according to the number of troops in each army I am facing, not according to CONTITUTION of each opposing army.
To buying affect the price / availabilty of ressource available on a market for the subsequent selling orders?
Thanks for your time.
Hold on:
Are you saying that both nations must be friendly with eachother in order to join a company? :eek:
Also, what actions are possible regarding a hidden pop center:
- can you sabotage stuff? YES / NO
- can armies of the same nation of the hidden PC get a defensive bonus
- Can navies of the same allegeance dock at a hidden PC of an ally with a port? YES / NO
Thanks for your patience.
Sir Illuvatar: Instead of asking these questions why don’t you test and experiment for yourself?
according to the rule book, or according to the order join company, both characters have to be of the same nation.
No idea about the hidden pop centers. Sorry.
let me rephrase that last post, according to the order join company, both nations have to have friendly relations to each other in order for characters from different nations join the same company.