Spam on ME List

Make Gold Fast!

Lots of you will, like me, have looked with envy at the gold treasuries of the Corsairs and Harad. You could do a lot of hard work to get gold - Natsells, upping your tax rate, reducing armies, removing unnecessary ports and fortifications, but be honest, that's just too much work for most people.

Instead, MAKE GOLD FAST! Sign up for my system, NatTran me 10,000 gold, sit back and wait and you will soon reap the massive rewards of the MEPBM pyramid scheme.

Within one game, you could earn as much as 1,000,000 gold! This will amaze your fellow gamers, assure your promotion and improve your sex life. In addition, you will bring joy to many yahoogroups. Do not break the cycle, but send gold today!

Mr. H. read this email and within a year after sending gold a highly rated Maiar. Miss M. didn't follow the instructions and was later barred from ME games. In Japan, Dr. I. read the email and put it aside. His following InfOthr and StealGold orders consistently failed. He found the email later and re-read it, following the instructions to the letter and his New From Bree articles then all received critical aclaim. In the Midwest, Prof. K. failed to pass on the email, and in a database crash his entire Palantir database was deleted. This could happen to you if you break the chain of gold giving.

Its easy! Just send me 10,000 gold, forward this email to all your team mates and then sit back and watch the gold roll endlessly into YOUR nation's coffers!


At 13:41 20/07/2007, ME Games Ltd wrote:
>Do you want me to keep the list open to all to join (and hence we will
>continue to get occasional spam) or moderated for people to join (not
>moderation of emails - you can post what you want within the
>guidelines given)?

Email sent from
Virus-checked using McAfee(R) Software and scanned for spam

I'm in... best bit of spam I've received all day... :slight_smile: LOLLLL



At 14:40 20/07/07, you wrote:

Make Gold Fast!

Lots of you will, like me, have looked with envy at the gold treasuries of the Corsairs and Harad. You could do a lot of hard work to get gold - Natsells, upping your tax rate, reducing armies, removing unnecessary ports and fortifications, but be honest, that's just too much work for most people.

Instead, MAKE GOLD FAST! Sign up for my system, NatTran me 10,000 gold, sit back and wait and you will soon reap the massive rewards of the MEPBM pyramid scheme.

Within one game, you could earn as much as 1,000,000 gold! This will amaze your fellow gamers, assure your promotion and improve your sex life. In addition, you will bring joy to many yahoogroups. Do not break the cycle, but send gold today!

Mr. H. read this email and within a year after sending gold a highly rated Maiar. Miss M. didn't follow the instructions and was later barred from ME games. In Japan, Dr. I. read the email and put it aside. His following InfOthr and StealGold orders consistently failed. He found the email later and re-read it, following the instructions to the letter and his New From Bree articles then all received critical aclaim. In the Midwest, Prof. K. failed to pass on the email, and in a database crash his entire Palantir database was deleted. This could happen to you if you break the chain of gold giving.

Its easy! Just send me 10,000 gold, forward this email to all your team mates and then sit back and watch the gold roll endlessly into YOUR nation's coffers!

> At 13:41 20/07/2007, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> >Do you want me to keep the list open to all to join (and hence we will
> >continue to get occasional spam) or moderated for people to join (not
> >moderation of emails - you can post what you want within the
> >guidelines given)?

Email sent from
Virus-checked using McAfee(R) Software and scanned for spam

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.10/908 - Release Date: 19/07/07 18:10

                 ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
         Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
         Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
         Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
         Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

How do I sign up? :wink:



--- ME Games Ltd <> wrote:

I'm in... best bit of spam I've received all day...
:slight_smile: LOLLLL


At 14:40 20/07/07, you wrote:

>Make Gold Fast!
>Lots of you will, like me, have looked with envy at
the gold treasuries of
>the Corsairs and Harad. You could do a lot of hard
work to get gold -
>Natsells, upping your tax rate, reducing armies,
removing unnecessary
>ports and fortifications, but be honest, that's
just too much work for
>most people.
>Instead, MAKE GOLD FAST! Sign up for my system,
NatTran me 10,000 gold,
>sit back and wait and you will soon reap the
massive rewards of the MEPBM
>pyramid scheme.
>Within one game, you could earn as much as
1,000,000 gold! This will amaze
>your fellow gamers, assure your promotion and
improve your sex life. In
>addition, you will bring joy to many yahoogroups.
Do not break the cycle,
>but send gold today!
>Mr. H. read this email and within a year after
sending gold a highly rated
>Maiar. Miss M. didn't follow the instructions and
was later barred from ME
>games. In Japan, Dr. I. read the email and put it
aside. His following
>InfOthr and StealGold orders consistently failed.
He found the email later
>and re-read it, following the instructions to the
letter and his New From
>Bree articles then all received critical aclaim. In
the Midwest, Prof. K.
>failed to pass on the email, and in a database
crash his entire Palantir
>database was deleted. This could happen to you if
you break the chain of
>gold giving.
>Its easy! Just send me 10,000 gold, forward this
email to all your team
>mates and then sit back and watch the gold roll
endlessly into YOUR
>nation's coffers!
> >
> > At 13:41 20/07/2007, ME Games Ltd wrote:
> > >Do you want me to keep the list open to all to
join (and hence we will
> > >continue to get occasional spam) or moderated
for people to join (not
> > >moderation of emails - you can post what you
want within the
> > >guidelines given)?
> >
>Email sent from
>Virus-checked using McAfee(R) Software and scanned
for spam
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.10/908 -
Release Date: 19/07/07


                 ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
         Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
         Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ
         Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
         Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)


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