Split Army Question

Order number 765 says “Army commander only”. But some of the other orders that can be issued by a navy commander say the same thing in the rulebook, so here goes:

Can a navy commander issue the Split Army command? The desired result is to send the newly created army inland while maintaining the naval force anchored offshore.

Some orders that say “army commander only” that I have personally issued with navy commanders are: Threat, and Capture Pop Center. My assumption is that these orders fall under the heading of “as long as the navy COULD anchor its ships…” So, therefore, I would think that split army would also be allowed in this situation.

Any advice appreciated.

Yes, you can split an army off of a navy and the navy stays intact. Do not let navies sit in one hex for long as an agent can destroy a navy if there is no backup commander by taking out the army commander.

Another option:

Turn 1-

  1. It is common to land a navy on an enemy pop center with at least 2 commanders.
    Turn 2-
  2. capture pop with navy commander (ships dock) and issue transfer 100 troops to subcommander.
  3. Subcommander now issues pickup ships and sails out.

This helps to protect the navy from agents our other navies showing up to destroy yours.

Good Luck!