2 nations of the same allegiance have an army each on an enemy population center.
Neither army has the strength to capture or destroy the town on their own.
One army commander issues the capture command and the other commander destroy.
My questions are:
Will they help each other and either capture or destroy the population center? (presume yes)
If they help each other, is the result (captured/destroyed?) based army strength / constitution?
If the result is not based on strength / constitution, then is the pop center is always; 1-captured, 2-destroyed?
Is it possible that they will not help each other and individually fail to either capture or destroy?
Klub, it is my understanding that the two armies will NOT help each other in the assault upon the pop center but that they would help each other in the assault upon any enemy armies in the same hex.
The result in your scenario would be the failure to capture or destroy the enemy pop center and the likely destruction of one or both of the assaulting arimes (especially, I believe, the army that attempted to destroy the pop center).
This information is based on my experience and is not conclusive nor confirmed by ME Games.
They’ll help each other, even with the pc assault. Default outcome goes to Destroy (if one orders Capture and the other Destroy, you’ll end the turn on rubble).
Nanook, I bow to your greater experience and wisdom in these matters and stand corrected.
I have likely misinterpreted some results from Gunboat games I am playing – easy to do when you can’t check with your allies to learn what orders they actually issued.
Originally posted by Nimdraug easy to do when you can’t check with your allies to learn what orders they actually issued.
It is tough!
Destroy, especially, is one of those orders that’s particularly hard to get full info for, even in non-Gunboat games. Need a situation where Capture will barely fail AND you can try a combined Destroy AND you have perfect information on the target loyalty, etc.
What a complex game! Why couldn’t we just like checkers, or Risk?
We had a situation in an old game where 4 armies were present at 2715 and we had more than enough to capture. 3 armies issued captured and 1 army issued burn. The result was 2715 was burnt and not captured, but all 4 armies partook in the burning, i.e. if the 1 single army who issued burn had only attacked on his own then his army would have been destroyed with all characters. Instead casulties were shared out amongst the 4 armies.
I agree that this scenario is difficult to assess, and I posted the question because I’ve seen cases where armies seemed to help one another in the assault and other times where they failed and looked as if they did not assist each other.
It’s something I’ll be careful about in the future though, as long as I don’t have all the data. Thanks for the benefit of your insight!
I have seen the opposite 3 times in the last few months. I issued 250, an uncommunicative ally issued 255. In every instance the pop center was captured. I have never experienced anything but my 250 being superceded by someone else’s 255 order. I don’t know what determines things but it is at least variable if others have had different outcomes.
Agree with Daehir, I’ve also issued destroy in a recent GB thinking that together with my allies army we were touch and go on capture. Only to find he had managed to capture.
Perhaps the size of the army makes the difference. i.e. the order that the largest present army takes priority then ? I’ll have to find my very old pdfs but perhaps you can check. In your situation were the armies who issued the capture order the largest single army present ?
This logic would follow as it’s the largest present army that determines who acutally captures the pop center. i.e. there could be 2 dwarf armies of 2000 troops each and 1 sinda army of 2100 troops. It will be the Sinda army who will end up with the pop center after a capture.
Destroy everything. Its easier to keep track of. You also don’t have to worry about losing the pop centre back again. A scorched earth policy works best IMO