super challenge 1 on 1

Hi there all.

I’ve been chatting to Rob re the 1 on 1 games that had a brief following 4 years ago.

In normal 12 per side games you cannot build too much into your own merit, or superiority to others because the team wins or loses the game, and you may simply be noting that you were part of a more coordinated team, rather than you out playing your opponent.

This is the perfect platform from which you can gauge your own skill against others, and there’s nowhere to hide for either of you :slight_smile:

Rob (feel free to correct any of my errors) advised that the cost of these 1 on 1 setups were 1/3 off for setup and turn fees, and the setup is agreed by the players (ie you set your turn around times, and victory conditions etc). So Given the cost and time involved to put the turns in, you could for instance do 1 turn per month. This would make a 1 on 1 game cost roughly 2 turns fees per week. Quite affordable to most.

Is anyone interested in this type of challenge? There’s no time limit if you need some games to end, but if you are, please give an indication. If there’s enough players we can look for a reasonable timeframe to start.

If not, and it is a big ask to run a full allegiance, then it’s another swing and miss for alternate game starters (Brad and Ed we may be forced to play one of each other’s games just so we can feel justified in our idea of a perfect game. Ed this type of game plays perfectly for your anti social approach :smiley: unless you start attacking your own nations :eek:


Winsten Wun Toof

:slight_smile: It is the nature of Moral Freewill that you have a choice. Unlike, say, an English Gentleman who is required to always conform to an external standard. The GM’s friends are Gentlemen and that may be all they can imagine. Loyalty to friends is praiseworthy—to a point. After a point it inhibits the ability to analyze data. The need to be approved, accepted and liked can result in our being unable to think the unthinkable and imagine the unimaginable.

Or be sociopathic :slight_smile: 1. I’m a simple soul Ed - see the nana - love the nana :slight_smile: 2.Having standards is not a bad thing. 3.Having friends is not a bad thing either. Going outside of those parameters may challenge your ability to retain points 2 and 3, and going outside those parameters with a wife may challenge your ability to retain number 1 :slight_smile: 4. 99% of the time I will be pulling your leg :smiley: don’t live in fear of that other 1%, it probably doesn’t make any sense anyway :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

There is a standard, Winsten, it is called ‘realpolitik’. One of the seven alien concepts incorporated into Stassun and Feild’s game. The other six are: Alliances, ambiguous environment, moral freewill, stealth/deceptions/ruses, psyops and opsec.

And here was me thinking that ‘alien concepts’ referred to some of the people I argue with on the forums :slight_smile: (present company excluded of course - you high brow, me low brow… but look nice in tights :))

I like the last point on deceptions and ruses, that includes making the opponents visual map work against him :slight_smile: Are you in the game Brad is getting together? Might be able to compare notes… Might be while trading shots across the bow too :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

Ed didn’t reply to my mail.

No Ed! Bad Ed! :slight_smile:

… add: stop gaming if you’re not able to win.

That’s “realpolitic” for game 6!

Oooh Gixxx - so angry :smiley: Nice of the usual offenders to drop in anyway otherwise the old 1 on 1’s are looking very average in the current climate by the looks. Still that gives me more $'s to run other challenges :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

Brad, I’m looking for it.

Yes that would be a basic and not very creative deception. Hideing three armies under one icon, etc.

Imagine, if you will, someone is able to make the incredibly difficult mental leap that the game was not designed by English Gentlemen for English Gentlemen. That person would then take a mental step to the left or right and read the paper Rulebook with a fresh perspective. He would then see doors that he never suspected to exist.

One reason, amongst several, why I scream bloody murder every time a well-meaning person (who does not know which end is up) is anxious to ‘improve’ the game. Slowly, the game is being eroded to the level of the least imaginative amongst us. This game can be played on several levels. By all means, play on the level that gives you the most fun. But realize that is not the only level in the game. For Heavan’s sake, quit trying to force evryone to only play your level.

Discussed the subject of ruses and deceptions several times. Most recently on American Iron’s thread entitled “How do we restore the game?” dated 19 october 2008.

Brad: Went hunting for you email. Found it on an address I seldom visit due to excessive spamming, which I can’t seem to halt.

Speaking of imagination - I’m imagining what my game 30 startup turn looks like. Curse this damned crappy internet provider.

I guess the best thing that came from recent threads is that any game style is possible, you just need the players to stick their hands up for it. My poison of choice is the 1 on 1 right at this moment. But the beauty of being me is that another lap around my gold fish bowl I will have forgotten that most enduing passion of my life and moved on to a new profoundly important preference :smiley:

Some days I struggle to remember my wife - what’s her name! :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

[QUOTE=Ed Mills;63028]Winsten:
Yes that would be a basic and not very creative deception. Hideing three armies under one icon, etc.

Hi Ed. Maybe not everyone in the game is an ‘English Gentleman’. Maybe many deceptions and levels of creativeness are already being played by different players. Maybe those suggesting changes are in fact adding to the value of the game, and are not in fact silly buggers. And maybe there is great joy in life that comes from simplicity and concentrating on the act of having fun rather than the infinite nuance.

You’ve made way too many generalisations there which tend to detract from a highly evolved and well considered argument. Regarding change, standing in front of the bus just tends to get you a flat nose. Those critters that run with change and evolve to take advantage of those changes tend to be those that thrive, the dinosaurs die out :wink:

I am looking forward to the day when you can teach me with rough strokes though :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof