Team Andraste looking for players for grudge game in-progress

Hi all,

We in team Andraste are looking for a few players to join our team. We are currently playing the Free People in Grudge Game 26 (2950 scenario, Duns and WW FP, Corsairs and Khand DS, Easterlings out), and we have lost a few players to real-life interferences, so we have a few spots open. We are looking for players to actively join the team and take some of the open nations.

The people that are leaving the team are not doing so because there is a problem within the team or with game 26 but because they can no longer devote the time required for MEPBM (with one exception).

As a team we are pretty laid back and casual, with no rigid structure, leader and such stuff. Some members of the team are more active, participating in global strategy and offering suggestions for many fronts, others are focusing more on their nation. We take it easy and adjust according to each player’s availability and personal preferences (which can fluctuate with time). Everyone is welcome to participate as much as they want - and also everyone has the final say when it comes to their nation. We are also multinational, we have a few greeks, a couple of english, a scottsman, a dane and a german.

We are open to accepting both veterans and less experienced players, but we do ask a certain small level of experience and commitment (know the orders and basic mechanics, follow the game, coordinate with the rest of the team, send orders in) at this point because those that have stayed in the team cannot handle the whole game (and that is why we are looking for new players).

Overall the team has had a reasonable record so far in its history, ranking 7th in team rankings with 5 victories and 2 defeats.

Game 26 is a bi-weekly game. We are currently in turn 17, we are about to play t18 (deadline in two weeks, April 25 - we actually did not submit orders today since our opponents were kind enough to give us the chance to seek new players first and postponed the turn for two weeks). So far the game has been hard fight and probably the DS (i.e. NOT us) have a slight upper hand. The DS are David Ruzic’s team. This is something that you must know if you are going to join. Players from David’s team are, for obvious reasons, not welcome :smiley:

Open nations currently are:

  • Sinda
  • Noldo
  • Woodmen
  • Dunedain Rangers
  • White Wizard
  • Riders of Rohan

Some of us left are willing to play more than one nation, so you get your pick on the open nations (you can even play a couple if you want but generally we try not to have one player playing too many positions) and we are going to adjust accordingly.

Ideally we are looking to fill 3-4 positions, we would like to keep a couple of spots open in case some of our leaving team-mates decide to come back. But bear in mind that if you join the team you will be considered an equal member and you will of course be very very welcome to stay with us in future games as well.

Marios, for team Andraste

Hi there,
Im without a game at the moment and I like grudges.
Are you limited on the 2950 scenario (not my favourite playground)?

Have Fun!


Hi Gixxx,

No we are not limited to 2950 but our current game is 2950 and this is what we need players for currently. When this is finished, everything is open for the next game. I have to say though that as a team we have only played 1650 or 2950 - every time we are about to start a new game the FA option is ruled out.

So, up to you. If you are interested you are welcome to join us, if not it’s cool. If you need more info, we’ll be glad to provide it.


Has Symeon returned to your fold?

Actually Symeon was with us from the beginning of this game but now he is among those leaving :frowning:

I suspect it may have to do with a mysterious creature “Middle Earth Online”, and another mythical monster called “real life” :stuck_out_tongue:



I’ve sent you a pm. I’m off out now and probably won’t pick up a reply until sometime tomorrow.


Hi Drew,

I’ve been with Team Andraste from the beginning (almost 7 years) but the last year and a half my participation was becoming evermore lessen. As you know I had stopped from any other MEPBM activity as my time devoted in the game and the enjoyment deriving from it was not what it used to be. I tried to join one more game with team Andraste, mostly as a try to remain in the team (I had a great time all these years) , but as in every relationship, hanging on to something for nostalgic -old times sake has no luck :slight_smile: I think that my MEPBM days have come to an end (at least for the foreseeable future).

Still I do find myself occasionally reading the Fora as what i like most about this game is the social aspect of it. There is always something to make you laugh (intended or not :smiley: ).

Always good to hear from you, i hope everything goes well with your MEPBM and “real life” ventures.


PS. Drew you should come visit some of the Greek Islands; in selected beaches the visual splendor of the environment and most importanly the crowd could make you reconsider your view on “clothing optional” beaches.

Hi Marios,
if you want, I’ll join.

Please use for more details.

By the way who’s your captain?

Have Fun!

Hi Symeon,

From your postscript, I see you have indeed been reading other threads on this forum. <g>

I didn’t realize you were still playing with Andraste; thought you had taken a full hiatus.

Agree fully on the futility of hanging on to relationships for the wrong reasons thing. Best of luck to you on your “next” love. <g>


Are you still looking for players? I’m interested.

Tony Zbaraschuk
currently in game 57, long history, some victories, published in Mouth of Sauron

Now Tony, I’ll let you join another team only if you promise you won’t get distracted from your awesome CL agent planning in G57.

I promise. Drop me an e-mail with details.

Tony Z

Hi Tony,
do you’ve played with the “Sarumen”-team?

Have Fun!


you’re fishing in foreign waters!

Have Fun!


Not sure what you’re asking about – I tend to remember my teammates by their personal names, not team names.

Tony Z

Gix: I was on the now-retired Sarumen. Any particular ewason?

Team Andraste,

Tony Z was a good player and teammate (and helped with planning) when he played in a game with me so he will be a good add. Enjoy Tony.

John aka SmokeYou

Hi Tony,
still interested?

Have Fun!


Yes, still interested. Drop me an e-mail at tonyz at eskimo dot com

Tony Z

Hi Tony,
you should do something with the settings of your spam-filter!

I’ve tried to send you a private mail from my business-comp (of course not the same IP-address like the PC at home) and it always came back.
Reason: access denied

I hope we’re able to solve this problem soon!

Have Fun!
