Team groups on forum

Over the years, I’ve often wondered about the possibility of integrating a Yahoo Groups-like feature into the forums here. The idea is that it would functionally work exactly like Yahoo Groups. Members of the forum could create a group and then they would own that group and control members and permissions of that group. Of course there would also be file storage for team files as well as private forum/discussion within the group.

Would anyone use such a feature? My gut feeling is that it would be nice to offer, and some people might use it, but I just think most people would rather use Yahoo Groups or whatever else they may be currently using. I am well aware of the privacy/security ramifications, but I don’t mind discussing them if they come up.

Finally, is there anything that would make such a feature more compelling to use here instead of something else like Yahoo Groups, or would this just be an unnecessary add-on?

Thanks for any input!

I think most folks use yahoogroups and some minority try facebook or google. I am finding more and more great ways to use JOverseer but if there was something I wish we could do is take that program and utilize it in a forum format - so that we could all post our orders to that program instead and share the data…older dogs like me might have a learning curve but the JO program does so much logistically that right now, I have to transcribe it to yahoogroups rather than just all of us being able to see it live…like a google doc or something…

Maybe the more “with it” folks can help me with that side of it but to answer your question directly - I wouldn’t add to the forum unless you could get JOverseer to be the group site…if that makes sense.

Awesome Idea! No more pass the orders, just put yours in and see what the crew is up to. I like it and would use it. Otherwise no, don’t, as Yahoo groups works