Team Opposition Wanted

C’mon… We are waiting. Our team list has been sent to the ME games…

It doesn’t matter which of your players get which nation, we’re going to wipe you all out, so why prolong the obvious, :slight_smile: oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh , your turn, LOL

Oh interesting,
so what’s your plan ?

Lot’s of laughter ( or in the short version : LOL )

Ha, Ha, Ha !

Have Fun with your game !


Lots of laughing usually means you have something to hide, :slight_smile:

Lets just get the game started. :slight_smile:


125 Grain Federal JHP .357 magnum. When you care to send the very best.

Ok now that you have us flipping to DS, is there anything else, LOL

Guess it doesnt matter if you lose as freeps or DS.

So when’s turn 0???

Clint has been given the needed information so it´s only a time issue

I’m waiting for Guy’s team now… :rolleyes:

Clint (GM)

Hey don’t rush us, LOL

We need to discuss a change in the set-up for this game, in question; Trading Harad for Corsair, please keep in mind that we surrendered playing the Free people to get this game going, contact me at

I’m back on broadband after a months abscence! Ok Freepies Weepies can you swap the
Corsiars for Harad? Our teamlist is obviously delayed due to this problem…

Yeah! Come on guys, give us a break I had to give up the Dwarves for the Blind Sorceror thanks to this switch!

To our esteemed competetion,

We’ve had to do a major overhaul, since several of our players are having trouble wrapping their heads around the fact that we have to play the DS now over the FP. Is there any chance you can give us the Corsairs instead of Harad? We’ve accomodated you, can you do the same for us? It would expedite this game actually getting started immensely.

Chris G

Any particular reason this swap has come up now and not when your team were thinking of playing freeps ?

We lost 3 players who didnt want to go DS after all the weeks of Freep planning and
so our team is weakened in both membership and strategic discussion terms to ask for the change. We’ve just today finalised nation allocations and haven’t even discussed

Sorry, let me be more precise:

We don’t want Harad either way as the FP or DS, we’d much prefer the Corsairs.


Chris G

Honestly, who wouldnt ?

Honestly, who wouldnt ?