Team Opposition Wanted

Over Harad:

Or we could come to a comprimise, remove the harbours at 2833 and 2732 and increase the fortifications at capitol and 2535…

Comments Freeps?


Besides this Harad problem the team is ready to go so let’s compromise Freeps…

Can you at least respond to our request? “Yea”? “Nay”? “Piss off!”?

Chris G

Me and Thomas are discussing strengthening the Harad.
Hopefully we’ll get a conlcusion by tommorow… If the Harad are strenghened Harad is


hmmmmm. game still aint going???


Or the Harad are replaced by the Easterlings in the DS ranks… How about it Freeps?


I’m willing to act as a substitute for either team, any nation.

C’mon Freeps, we have 2 decent offers on the table to FINALLY start this game…


Maybe they don’t read the forum that much, or maybe they lost interest and we should look for another team to beat, or maybe they only have one guy that can read and his pc crashed, :slight_smile:

If negotiations have been broken off, Team Sarumen will need opposition in one month’s time.

I’m not sure, what it will what version it’ll be, its Thomas whos captain, he’ll let you know asap. In any case its noteworthy that you guys haggle and whine like true haradrim sheep merchants… You must learned that from Simon :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

“you guys haggle and whine like true haradrim sheep merchants”

Actually, I take that as a compliment. Who doesn’t want more sheep at a fair price?!?

It’s far better to be a haggler and whiner, than to change your mind when there is a deal on the table. For instance, switching which side you wish to play at the last minute, just like the Oathbreakers from the Paths of the Dead.

Right back at ya! Your turn.

Chris G

i was part of the original free people team untill the ds decided they had no chance of winning unless they took the freeps. sounds like i made the right choice. i hate playing against a bunch of women.

guess i will be saving some money this autumn.


greenville south carolina

Do we have to find a new team to play???

Guy Roppa

I think you’ve been misinformed, the team is actually all-male. Other than that, what’s wrong with playing against a female team, you don’t like women?

Hi Guys

All the talk about sheep, to my best knowlegde the haradrim deal in camels. To clear up other misunderstandings; Both teams set up as Freeps, things like that happen due to faulty communication. As we just impersonated the DS last game, it was natural to chose the freeps.

Secondly - there are thoughts about how evenly our teams are matched, whether one or the other will play freeps is quite immaterial, the better team will win no matter what.

Third - I cant wait to start a new game.


If the game starts, even after 2 decent offers to start the game 2 days ago I’ve
recieved no response from Thomas. Hmmm


I’ve played the 12v12 format a fair bit now and watched it from afar and I think that the Harad/Corsair balance down south is fine. Lots of options for both sides and the battle can go either way. So if that’s the case that’s there still wrangling over that I’d suggest you play the standard World champ format. :slight_smile:

Clint (player)

Guy - your offers are now a matter of discussion in our team, the spirit of democracy is strong. Have patience, as your offers are very changing and numerous. Last but not least, prepare to face an enemy of skill, coordination and raw power, are you the ones to resist it?


Hi Clint

I agree, the grudge scenario is balanced, but it is tempting to play something other than that.
