
Aside from the hit squad motif, what creative methods have people used with the teleport spell? I’ve seen the mobile curses squad and the mobile assassin squads. I’ve also seen the far reaching emissary influence squads.

What’s your crowning achievement, or what’s the most dastardly thing done to you via teleportation?

Used the same stack of command toys to threaten enemy pops on different sides of the map every second turn nicely. Dragon mage flies them into LR sneak Naval assault on the Eoplex - threaten then 360 the next turn to plop them on sneak Rhu cav move on Arthedain backfield, then poof, they’re on the south bank of Umbar where the Cloud Lord cav now uses the same stack against MT’s down there. Had 2 of these stacks flying around one game with different teleport mages as couriers, just to ensure we could 360 the toys in time for 498’s wherever we saw an opportunity.

Nice one! That had to keep the enemy awake at night. :cool:

Only until they conceded… :wink: