Before I start to complement the character info that Dwalon started, I think it would be a good idea to compile all character data in a list for a complete overview, while the “biographic” info is posted in the other thread. We can add info as we go along. Maybe Darrell can move this thread to the info section once it is completed.
Here we go:
FP nations
Name--------------PBM Stats---------RPG Stats---------appears in module/
Beneoracer---------30 10 -----beorling lvl ??–mirkwood
Beoraborn----------40 10 10–beorling lvl 24–mirkwood
Bornbeneor---------30 10 ----beorling lvl ??–mirkwood
Chilperic------------20 10
Guntram------------10 20 ----rogue lvl 8–goblin gate
Odagus------------10 10 10
Waulfa-------------30 10 10 --ranger lvl 18–mirkwood -
Barlin 20 10
Beawynn 30
Dudannis 30
Eoder 40 10
Frumgara 20 10 10
Gaerendil 30 10
Jirfelien 30
Odagavia 30 10 -
Aluiric 30
Atagavia 30 10 —fighter lvl 16–mirkwood
Athaulf 30
Gisulf 30
Leofigild 20 10 10
Mahrcared 50 ----fighter lvl 18–mirkwood
Thuidimer 30 10
Uirdiks 20 30—magician lvl 22–mirkwood -
Alquawen 10 10 10–bard lvl 11–hillmen of the trollshaws
Argeleb 50 20
Bondan 30 10
Marl Tarma 40 10
Meneldir 40 —fighter lvl 13–bree and the barrow downs
Minastir 20 10 --ranger lvl 12–LRoC
Morwen 10 10 10–ranger lvl 10–goblin gate
Sarkar 40 -
Aethelan 10 20–fighter lvl 12–lost realms of cardolan
Earnil 40 --fighter lvl 15–LRoC
Echorion 20 10 --fighter lvl 7–LRoC
Finduilas III 10 30–bard lvl 14–LRoC
Hallas 40 10—rogue lvl 17–LRoC
Imlach 30 --fighter lvl 12–LRoC
Lanaigh 30 --fighter lvl 12–LRoC
Pelendur 30 10–fighter lvl 12–LRoC
N. Gondor:
Alandur 40 10
Caranthir 50
Elatar 60 10
Tarondor 60 10 20
Telumehtar 60
Vagaig 40 -----fighter lvl 15----mirkwood
Veantur 50 -----fighter lvl 16----shelob’s lair
Vinyaran 60 10 -
S. Gondor:
Argirion 50–fighter lvl 20–HoG
Baranor 30
Belechael 30 20
Camlin 50–fighter lvl 18–HoG
Celdrahil 60 10–fighter lvl 25–Havens of Gondor
Dunsul 50 10
Marahil 10 10 20–rogue lvl 16–HoG
Saerol 10 40 41–mage lvl18–HoG -
Azaghal 30
Bain I 50 10 --fighter lvl 21–moria sourcebook
Falin 40 10–fighter lvl 18–moria
Fulla III 30 10
Gain I 30–fighter lvl 10–moria
Thelor II 40
Thrar III 30 10–fighter lvl 21–RotB
Threlin 40 10 -
Amroth 60 20
Lanthir 30 30
Nimrodel 20 50 20
Ohtar 50 10
Ringlin 50–mystic lvl 20–mirkwood
Taurnil 40 10 10
Tharudan 20 50–mage lvl 25–HoG
Thranduil 60 30 -
Cirdan 40 20 40 50–animist lvl 60–Rogues of the Borderlands
Elladan 50 20 20
Elrohir 50 20 20
Elrond 40 60 70
Erestor 40 60
Gaerdae 50
Gildor 30 20 20 10
Glorfindel 60 30 40
DS nations
Name--------------PBM Stats---------RPG Stats---------appears in module/
Witch King:
Angulion 10 20 30 30
Ashdurbuk Zalg 60
Cykur 50 10
Dancu 60 20
Durkarian 50 10 10
Murazor 40 40 70
Rogrog 50
Ulrac 50 20 -
Dragon Lord:
Celedhring 20 30 50—alchemist lvl 40—mirkwood
Duran 60 20 20—warrior lvl 40–mirkwood
Khamul 30 30 30 40—ranger lvl 40—mirkwood
Lhachglin 20 10 40
Maben 20 50
Orduclax 50
Urgubal 30 10 -----fighter lvl 16—goblin gate
Wodurishak 40 10 -
Dog Lord:
Ashburgnul 20 50
Borhan 30
Bulrakur 50
Dendra Dwar 20 20 60
Gurthlug 30 20
Kaldurmeir 40
Krusnak 30 20 30
Tonn Varthkur 40 30 -
Cloud Lord:
Ar-Gular 10 20
Araudagul 40
Errenis 40
Gontran 30
Grasty 30
Ji Indur 20 40 40
Kadida 30
Shoglic 30 -
Blind Sorcerer:
Akhorahil 20 20 60
Ethacali 10 40-magician lvl 12-dark mage rhudaur
Gastmorgath 50
Leardinoth 10 30
Mardrash 30–mage lvl 7–trolls of misty mountains
Morarthdur 50
Naldurgarth 50
Pochak 30
Name--------------PBM Stats---------RPG Stats---------appears in module/
16. Ice King:
Abdahkil 30
Baltab 30
Gaurhir 10 30
Gorthog 10 40
Hoarmurath 30 20 50
Hukor 30
Khathog 40–animist lvl 14–Havens of Gondor
Virsh 20 10
Quiet Avenger:
Adunaphel 30 30 40
Ashturg 30 10
Fuinur 30 20 20
Gargal 30 10
Herumor 30 20 20-----astrologer lvl 12–shelob’s lair
Ingar 20 10
Malezar 10 10 40
Thergor 30 -
Fire King:
Nazog 30
Ren the Unclean 30 20 50
Rozilan 10 30
Shagrat 30
Shogmog 30
Skargnakh 30 10 10-----fighter lvl 14-----shelob’s lair
Uklurg 40 -------fighter lvl13------shelob’s lair
Uthmag 40 -
Long Rider:
Din Ohtar 30 10 10
Drurgandra 40
Goldwine Frec 10 10 10
Hargrog 30 20
Lomelinde 30 10
Morlammen 30
Uvatha 60 20 20
Viosiol 30 -
Drk Lts:
Bolvag 20 50
Carrog 20 20 30
Feagwath 30 10 50----sorcerer lvl 34—dagorlad
Gothmog 70 30
Herudor 40 ------fighter lvl 16-----dagorlad
Miruimor 20 30----magician lvl 20—dagorlad
Tormog 20 40
Urzahil 20 40 70
Neutral nations
Name--------------PBM Stats---------RPG Stats---------appears in module/
Adumir 40 10 10
Angamaite 50 20 10
Eadur 50 10
Faltur 50 10
Meriot 10 50
Mireadur 50 10
Sangahyando 40 20 10
Teldumeir 50 20 10 -
Carlon 30 10 10
Ejenna 10 20
Haruth Ramam 40 10
Ossim Rallah 30
Shabla 10 30
Shamara Katub 10 20
Ulfacs 30
Yezmin 10 10 10 -
Aonghas 40 10
Daonghlas 40 10
Elharian 50
Enion 50
Eribhen 50
Raonull 20 10 10
Ulf Dilan 40
Urdrek 30 10 -
Arfanhil 40 —fighter lvl 3–trolls of the misty mountains
Briam 20 10–ranger lvl 7–hillmen of the trollshaws
Broggha 20 10 10–ranger lvl 12–HotT
Marendil 30 —fighter lvl 12–dark mage of rhudaur
Paddro 20 10 10
Seammu 30 —fighter lvl 7-- HotT
Sispar 20 10 10
Valadan 30 10—fighter lvl 10–HotT -
Gorovod 10 40–sorcerer lvl 20–mirkwood
Hos Harf 30
Huz of Amov 30 10
Kav Makow 20 20
Nazrog 30 10
Ovatha II 40 10
Tros Hesnef 40
Urdrath 10 30