The game 065 thread

I’m Easterlings. Win me over.

The Dunlendings are stirring in Middle Earth!

Greetings from the Dragon Lord, I can be reached at
Good luck everyone.

Cloud Lord signing in. Good luck to all and to the FP…free beer, cigarettes and fatty foods at my place! There is also a contest…FP that drinks the most beer gets to drive the carriage back to the castle! :smiley:

Look forward to communicating with the neutrals and having a fun outing.

I can be reached at

Darrel Senior

Hi All

I’m playing the Northmen in G65, looking forward to a good game, I can be contacted at


Prince Hallas, ruler of the Cardolan, extends his greetings to the peoples of Middle Earth. He can be contacted via email to his envoy, Nick:


Nick Barham-Hall

Ice King checking in.
A warm welcome is extended to all neutrals, and a frosty one to all Free peoples who have a aggresion in mind.

I can be contacted at

Ice King 65

Dude, who stole the second “l” off the end of your name… That must suck as much as the missing “C” and the Second “M” in my last name… It was Schimmel 'til the thieves struck and left it as Shimel.

Anyway… I’ll be out of town from this Friday through the U.S. Labor Day weekend. Rest assured, I have no plans to join either side, and silence from me does not indicate unwillingness to talk. I have to do a week and a half of work this week, and will have a couple weeks worth waiting when I get back.

Darrell of the Easterlings

It’s pretty hard to go by “Darrel” around here as you are fairly well known. :smiley:
I believe it was a fellow by the name of Ji that stole my “L”, oh well…he could have done worse than that to me. :slight_smile:

Darrel of the One L’s

As stated previously, Easterlings will be out of town for the next week.

Orders submitted. I’m not moving any armies, adding any troops, or anything else that could be considered hostile to either side.

Good gaming all.

Darrell of the Two L’s

There seems to have been some confusion with my diplos, so I have found this forum to post my contact details. To stay organised, I have established an email account specifically for this game: Good luck to all.

Things are looking decent for the minions of Sauron after turn 1.
Market prices have been very kind to us and the new Atkins horse meat diets have driven the markets to dizzying heights.

Everything in my turn went according to plan and Ji Indur will notch his first kill this turn. (I think Din O might get one too…)

Easterlings continue to lay low, wet finger in the air, attempting to determine the direction in which the winds of war are blowing.

Again, no army movements, no troop count growth, no actions which could be considered agressive to anyone.

Perfidy ! The so-called free peoples have launched an unprovoked attack upon the peace-loving Rhudaurians ! First Haradwaith, now Rhudaur, do you other neutrals see the pattern here ? I now realise the Dunlendings are the lapdogs of Cardolan, but I would urge the Corsairs and Easterlings to take note of how the so-called free folk treat neutrals, and act accordingly !


Arfanhil of Rhudaur,

Over past weeks, the Free Peoples of Eriador have weighed your words and actions carefully, and without exception we have found that the account has belied reality. Whilst you have given no direct promises or assurances in your missives, you have tried to let us believe that our Dunedain cousins would stand alongside us in the ongoing battle to liberate Angmar from the tyranny of Sauron and his minions. However, obviously the blood of our ancestors has now grown exceedingly thin in Rhudaur, as the last few weeks has evidenced that, rather than siding with us, you have been conspiring against us – with our meretricious nemesis himself.

In our first colloquy you requested: “Allow me to stay neutral for a few more turns”. Yet at the same time we knew you to be recruiting over 1500 troops per turn; surely not a sustainable financial policy, and hardly the actions of someone that “joined this game with no preconceived notions of allegiance” and who is waiting to see how the initial battles for Angmar play out, as you claim. However, at that time we were prepared to afford to you the benefit of the doubt.

More recently you asserted that “it will still be a few turns before I would weigh in against the WK”. Not only does your curious use of language betray your subconscious reluctance to even consider your suggested course of inaction, but it came at a time when we also knew you to be massing over 10,000 troops at Fennas Drúnin (1910) – the facts of such knowledge we did not relay at the time – and preparing them for an inevitable march south.

A famous Rohirrim once said, “The world is all grown strange.” and at times like these it’s true that those who are not for us are against us! We live in dangerous times, and the Free People are not so naive as to take all that we’re told at face value; we choose are allies wisely and such friendships are closely cherished.

You claim the role of victim, but the facts plainly speak for themselves and it is obvious that, above all, it is Rhudaur that has been duplicitous in these affairs. I was once warned to be wary of our dark cousins but until now I did not wish to believe that you would turn against your own blood. Now I see with my own eyes that you are a traitor to all those who wish to free the world from oppression and cruelty!

Very well, since you have aligned yourself with your Nazgul neighbour then you will also share in his miserable fate – this is WAR!!

Prince Hallas of Cardolan

Does this go for me as well. It would seem that I am the only Neutral not to be “on a side”. While the DS have maintained contact, I’ve not heard from the FP yet this turn.

I would hate to be considered “against them” simply because I’m not yet “with them”.

Darrell of the Easterlings

No, I’m sure they will come up with a brand-new rationalisation for you, just like they did for both Harad and me.


If you were recruiting 1500 troops per turn, what did you think would happen?

I’m up only 300HI from initial setup, and not moving forces around to consolidate at all.

I’m hoping that if I act like a neutral, they’ll let me remain a neutral. If you act like you’ve already picked a side, they’re very likely to assume you’ve already picked a side.

Darrell of the Easterlings.

Dear Arfanhil,

Wish you were here.

Having a lovely time at Fennas Drúnin, fishing and paddling along the banks of the Mitheithel. Though we have noticed that it’s quite nippy so far north at this time of year.

There was a bit of a ruckus just after we arrived: Some guy called Paddro, with a few of his cronies, thought we looked like easy pickings and tried to have-a-go in the town square. I told him he’d had too much vino, then the lads and I sent him and the rest of them packing. Since then the locals have been really friendly.

Thanks again for leaving the pantry well stocked, the boys have been partying non-stop since we got here and it’s nice not to worry about having to stock up on supplies. The place is a mess at the moment though, but we will try to tidy up a bit before we leave, I promise.

Anyway, enough for now as I must dash to catch the last post. Hope to hear from you soon.

Love as always,


P.S. Which other of your resorts do you recommend we try next? I just got a text from a friend to say that he and his mates arrived for a camping trip in the woods around Thuin Boid, but that the place is deserted. Do the locals pack up for the off-season around here?

P.P.S. Echorion says “Hi” too.

If I understand things correctly…

Rhudaur and Harad are DS.
Duns and Corsairs are FP.

Two well coordinated and highly communicative teams.

How the heck am I supposed to pick a side in 3-4 turns or so?