Tim I am having a whale of a time in the 2 vs 1 scenario. I’d say to you though that if you feel the need to persist in the normal games, then don’t try to change the world. Don’t fight the flow. Talk nicely to your team until you feel you can’t take any more bull****. When that passes, have a shot or two, and then walk away. Don’t get yourself into the position that you are fighting and annoying the hell out of people for a lost cause, they will do whatever it is they’re going to do anyway. And when you’re sick of that and have dropped out of enough games rather than fight every fight possible, then move on to the idea that you can’t save the world, and if you can’t get 12 solid team players together, then work out how many you can and stick to those numbers.
Otherwise it doesn’t matter what ideas we come up with here, at the end of the day, there’s two factors that will sink you - quality of the player, and their attitude to team play. Variables in two moving parts - will get you every time…
Probably one other thing Tim. The quality of allies you can control directly. To some extent you can even control the quality of opposition. If you’ve been let down there, be a bit picky about who you play against as well. If you’ve got to play against the same players every third game to get a good game - then do it. The joy of being Rob is that you’ve already forgotten the game you’re in let alone the one before and the one before that - so every day is a brand new experience, once more around the gold fish bowl The important point, the game system is not bad, and don’t beat yourself up against the parts that don’t work, compensate for them instead, and you’ll return the fun to your game.
Turn 0 with a new game and the Front Sheet info in the email - still lists the game as filling with 7 positions required - um…? Updates…?? Below that is the OBN ruling (from when?) and a notice and link that Bree 35 has now been released…which puzzled me so I clicked the link to find the 2008 newsletter…
If the assumption is nobody bothers or cares to read it, remove the garbage text so I can see which allies SS’d or not without having to scroll so much…