the new 2950 game (#22)

We still need 8 players to fill this one up.


Come on, ya’ll, I’m DYIN’ ova hear!!

Just 8 more and we can get this puppy started.

Someone, ANYONE, join up!!!

Please? Pretty Please? We’ll even let your side wear the new, shiny armor, and we’ll wear the old, ugly, rusty stuff.

You want cheerleaders? I’ll get you cheerleaders! All dressed up in nice, tiny, skimpy little uniforms!

I’ll compose a sonnet in your honor, and sing it to you below your balcony under a full moon, with a mariachi band backing me up!

I’ll cook you dinner…? I’ll take you out drinking in the French Quarter! I’ll let you borrow my comic book collection! I’d even offer to hook you up with my sister, but I don’t have a sister. I’ve got 3 brothers though! And one of them is gay!

Anything you want! Really! I’m going through major MEPBM withdrawals here! This is almost as bad as quitting smoking!

(ok, that last bit was probably going too far. Nothing was worse than quitting smoking.)

so go outside and have a smoke, then come in and sign up for a 1650 game.